NCEAS / goa-data

Data tracking for Gulf of Alaska
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PFX-Groundfish: GoA trawl output data - central GoA #37

Open couture322 opened 8 years ago

couture322 commented 8 years ago

Ole has some files on the NCEAS pfx-groundfish repository that need to put posted to the GoA portal. These files use the NOAA GoA trawl data as input and there are a number or scripts used to produce the outputs. Post: "Process AFSC trawl data.r" "goa_trawl_final_albers+temp.csv" "goa_projection_points+temp.csv"

Input data to these are the goa-trawl data so please referece this dataset with its ID and citing NOAA for their data. The Portfolio effects working group did the work on this and if you need more information about the group and the members I can send lists of people and project info.

couture322 commented 8 years ago

Title ideas: NOAA AFSC Bottom trawl data formatted for NCEAS Portfolio Effects working group ground fish analysis in the Gulf of Alaska (1984-2015)

PIs: Andrew Shelton (put this guy as the dataset owner and contact, everyone else can be associated parties: contributors or authors) Mary Hunsicker Rachael Blake Colette Ward Janet Duffy-Anderson Anne Hollowed Ben Williams Eric Ward

New link for the files

shirleycng commented 8 years ago

Just uploaded the following files to GOA repository. goa_trawl_final_albers+temp.csv goa_trawl_final_size_albers+temp.csv

In the process of putting up goa_projection_points+temp.csv

couture322 commented 8 years ago

Thanks Shirley, could you add the data owner and contacts I listed above also add an abstract. You can use the following blurb about the working group project: "These data are derived from the NOAA Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) bottom trawl surveys (df35b.258.11) in preparation for a spatial analysis of the effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on groundfish communities in the Gulf of Alaska. The majority of this analysis was conducted by Andrew Shelton from the NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center for the portfolio effects working group at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis at the University of California, Santa Barbara whose goal is to asses how diversity may have buffered against the effects of EVOS as well as other perturbations. Further and additional analyses can be accessed in additional packages in this repository." ...or something like that

shirleycng commented 8 years ago

For the "goa_projection_points+temp.csv" file, what do the water, SRTM_M, and NGDC24_M columns mean and what are their units? And are the Bot.Temp.1984, Bot.Temp.1987, etc columns calculated bottom temperatures or recorded temperatures from that year?

shirleycng commented 8 years ago

Published goa_projection_points+temp.csv, goa_trawl_final_albers+temp.csv, and goa_trawl_final_size_albers+temp.csv to GOA repository.