NCEAS / metacatui

MetacatUI: A client-side web interface for DataONE data repositories
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Show entity information in modal windows on dataset landing pages #2122

Open robyngit opened 1 year ago

robyngit commented 1 year ago

Once we support large datasets, we will need to find another way to display information about each entity in a data package, rather than immediately trying to render an entity table for each object. Even now, when there are too many datasets, it's difficult for a user to scroll through all of them (see

To solve this issue, we should show entity information in a modal window (or sidebar or similar UI element) when a user clicks to request to see details about an object.

This will be feasible once there is an entity service for metadata (getting closer on that on the backend, but still working on the storage design). This service will provide entity details for a set of entities, not the whole list, so the DOM will only store the current view and a reasonable buffer for scrolling.

robyngit commented 1 year ago

Similar issue, but with authors instead of entities:

mbjones commented 1 year ago

Thanks, @robyngit I'd like to point out that we already have an entity modal for editing Entity metadata for every member of a data package, and that it was Chris' original vision to be moving towards having read-only and read-write modes for those editor views so they could be repurposed. We should consider whether that makes sense here.

Also, there is another set of tickets associated with the attribute editor redesign that would be relevant to displaying attribute metadata. Here's the full list but also particularly issue #690 that has existing mockups.