NCEAS / metacatui

MetacatUI: A client-side web interface for DataONE data repositories
Apache License 2.0
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Layer List Polish 8: Widen toolbar panel and layer details view #2357

Closed yvonnesjy closed 2 months ago

yvonnesjy commented 3 months ago

As a followup to, we now keep every layer in one line and use ellipsis if the layer name is too long. Unfortunately that is the case for a lot of our layers on the demo site. The fix is to widen the toolbar panel and layer details view so we can accommodate longer layer names.

Then we face a challenge in the main repository maps that use a 3-part view, where the map view doesn't have enough space for the wide panel. Given that it's a setup only existing in main repositories (for now), we'll apply the wide panel only in portal maps.





3-part map view in ADC:

yvonnesjy commented 3 months ago

@robyngit Added a min width screen requirement for the wide panels!