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Github Actions: Reviewdog error with Prettier #2451

Open robyngit opened 2 weeks ago

robyngit commented 2 weeks ago

The reviewdog with prettier action to check formatting on PRs isn't working as expected. The action details show the following problem:

📝 Running prettier with reviewdog 🐶 ...
  reviewdog: This GitHub token doesn't have write permission of Review API [1], 
  so reviewdog will report results via logging command [2] and create annotations similar to
  github-pr-check reporter as a fallback.

Here is a job run with the error:

We need to configure the permissions for the job properly. We currently have the following set:

      contents: read
      pull-requests: write 

I'm not sure why this doesn't work, this will need some further investigation.

robyngit commented 2 weeks ago

I think this may be a security feature of GitHub actions. When workflows run on pull_request events triggered by forks, GitHub restricts the permissions of the GITHUB_TOKEN to prevent potential misuse of secrets or repository access by untrusted code. This PR was in fact a fork, so I think that could be the source of the error.

We might need to conditionally run a different step for PRs that are from forks?