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EML was serialized with two abstracts #782

Closed laurenwalker closed 2 years ago

laurenwalker commented 6 years ago

Not really sure how this happened, but someone on the KNB was attempting to update an EML doc and it was serialized with two <abstract> nodes.

EML draft:

laurenwalker commented 6 years ago

I have tried to reproduce this for a while and can't, so I'm going to move this to the backlog until it ever becomes a recurring issue.

laurenwalker commented 2 years ago

This happened yesterday on the ADC again.

Browser: Edge OS: WIndows 10


    <title>Modèle Atmosphérique Régional (MAR) version 3.11 regional climate model (RCM) output, 1979-2019, Greenland domain, 10 km horizontal resolution</title>
    <creator id="7014308172715729">
      <organizationName>University of Liege</organizationName>
      <positionName>Research Associate</positionName>
      <userId directory=""></userId>
      <para>Modèle Atmosphérique Régional (MAR) is a regional climate model that is fully coupled to a one-dimensional surface-atmosphere energy and mass transfer scheme, SISVAT (Soil Ice Snow Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer) (Fettweis et al., 2005, 2020;
        Lefebre et al., 2005). SISVAT employs a multilayered snowpack model, CROCUS, that simulates meltwater production, percolation, and refreeze (Brun et al., 1989), while also accounting for changes in albedo due to snow metamorphism (Brun et al., 1992).
        MAR has been extensively verified over the Greenland Ice Sheet and is therefore particularly well suited for analyses of GrIS SMB (Fettweis et al., 2011; Fettweis et al., 2017; Fettweis et al., 2020; Lefebre et al. 2005; Mattingly et al. 2020). The
        model output contained herein was generated using MARv3.11 forced by 6-hourly ERA5 reanalysis data (Hersbach et al., 2018). Sea-ice extent and sea-surface temperature were prescribed using values from ERA5. The model was integrated using a timestep
        of 60s and 165x300, 10-km grid with 24 vertical sigma levels from 2 m to 17 km above the surface. See Amory et al. (2021) for a full description of MARv3.11; however, note that, in contrast to Amory et al. (2021), we did not employ the blowing snow
        module here.</para>
      <para>• Amory, C., Kittel, C., Le Toumelin, L., Agosta, C., Delhasse, A., Favier, V., & Fettweis, X. (2021). Performance of MAR (v3.11) in simulating the drifting-snow climate and surface mass balance of Adélie Land, East Antarctica. Geoscientific
        Model Development, 14(6), 3487–3510.</para>
      <para>• Brun, E., Martin, E., Simon, V., Gendre, C., & Coléou, C. (1989). An energy and mass model of snow cover suitable for operational avalanche forecasting. Journal of Glaciology, 35, 333.</para>
      <para>• Brun, E., David, P., Sudul, M., & Brunot, G. (1992). A numerical model to simulate snow-cover stratigraphy for operational avalanche forecasting. Journal of Glaciology, 38(128), 13–22.</para>
      <para>• Fettweis, X., Gallée, H., Lefebre, F., & van Ypersele, J.-P. (2005). Greenland surface mass balance simulated by a regional climate model and comparison with satellite-derived data in 1990–1991. Climate Dynamics, 24(6), 623–640.</para>
      <para>• Fettweis, X., Tedesco, M., van den Broeke, M., & Ettema, J. (2011). Melting trends over the Greenland ice sheet (1958–2009) from spaceborne microwave data and regional climate models. The Cryosphere, 5(2), 359–375.</para>
      <para>• Fettweis, X., Box, J. E., Agosta, C., Amory, C., Kittel, C., Lang, C., et al. (2017). Reconstructions of the 1900–2015 Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance using the regional climate MAR model. The Cryosphere, 11(2), 1015–1033.</para>
      <para>• Fettweis, X., Hofer, S., Krebs-Kanzow, U., Amory, C., Aoki, T., Berends, C. J., et al. (2020). GrSMBMIP: intercomparison of the modelled 1980–2012 surface mass balance over the Greenland Ice Sheet. The Cryosphere, 14(11), 3935–3958.</para>
      <para>• Hersbach, H., Bell, B., Berrisford, P., Biavati, G., Horányi, A., Muñoz‐Sabater, J., … Thépaut, J.-N. (2018). ERA5 hourly data on pressure levels from 1979 to present. Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate Data Store (CDS). Accessed
        on 18-MAR-2021.</para>
      <para>• Lefebre, F., Fettweis, X., Gallée, H., Van Ypersele, J.-P., Marbaix, P., Greuell, W., & Calanca, P. (2005). Evaluation of a high-resolution regional climate simulation over Greenland. Climate Dynamics, 25(1), 99–116.</para>
      <para>• Mattingly, K. S., Mote, T. L., Fettweis, X., van As, D., Van Tricht, K., Lhermitte, S., et al. (2020). Strong summer atmospheric rivers trigger Greenland ice sheet melt through spatially varying surface energy balance and cloud regimes.
        Journal of Climate, 33(16), 6809–6832.</para>
      <para>Modèle Atmosphérique Régional (MAR) is a regional climate model that is fully coupled to a one-dimensional surface-atmosphere energy and mass transfer scheme, SISVAT (Soil Ice Snow Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer) (Fettweis et al., 2005, 2020;
        Lefebre et al., 2005). SISVAT employs a multilayered snowpack model, CROCUS, that simulates meltwater production, percolation, and refreeze (Brun et al., 1989), while also accounting for changes in albedo due to snow metamorphism (Brun et al., 1992).
        MAR has been extensively verified over the Greenland Ice Sheet and is therefore particularly well suited for analyses of GrIS SMB (Fettweis et al., 2011; Fettweis et al., 2017; Fettweis et al., 2020; Lefebre et al. 2005; Mattingly et al. 2020). The
        model output contained herein was generated using MARv3.11 forced by 6-hourly ERA5 reanalysis data (Hersbach et al., 2018). Sea-ice extent and sea-surface temperature were prescribed using values from ERA5. The model was integrated using a timestep
        of 60s and 165x300, 10-km grid with 24 vertical sigma levels from 2 m to 17 km above the surface. See Amory et al. (2021) for a full description of MARv3.11; however, note that, in contrast to Amory et al. (2021), we did not employ the blowing snow
        module here.</para>
      <para>• Amory, C., Kittel, C., Le Toumelin, L., Agosta, C., Delhasse, A., Favier, V., & Fettweis, X. (2021). Performance of MAR (v3.11) in simulating the drifting-snow climate and surface mass balance of Adélie Land, East Antarctica. Geoscientific
        Model Development, 14(6), 3487–3510.</para>
      <para>• Brun, E., Martin, E., Simon, V., Gendre, C., & Coléou, C. (1989). An energy and mass model of snow cover suitable for operational avalanche forecasting. Journal of Glaciology, 35, 333.</para>
      <para>• Brun, E., David, P., Sudul, M., & Brunot, G. (1992). A numerical model to simulate snow-cover stratigraphy for operational avalanche forecasting. Journal of Glaciology, 38(128), 13–22.</para>
      <para>• Fettweis, X., Gallée, H., Lefebre, F., & van Ypersele, J.-P. (2005). Greenland surface mass balance simulated by a regional climate model and comparison with satellite-derived data in 1990–1991. Climate Dynamics, 24(6), 623–640.</para>
      <para>• Fettweis, X., Tedesco, M., van den Broeke, M., & Ettema, J. (2011). Melting trends over the Greenland ice sheet (1958–2009) from spaceborne microwave data and regional climate models. The Cryosphere, 5(2), 359–375.</para>
      <para>•Fettweis, X., Box, J. E., Agosta, C., Amory, C., Kittel, C., Lang, C., et al. (2017). Reconstructions of the 1900–2015 Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance using the regional climate MAR model. The Cryosphere, 11(2), 1015–1033.</para>
      <para>• Fettweis, X., Hofer, S., Krebs-Kanzow, U., Amory, C., Aoki, T., Berends, C. J., et al. (2020). GrSMBMIP: intercomparison of the modelled 1980–2012 surface mass balance over the Greenland Ice Sheet. The Cryosphere, 14(11), 3935–3958.</para>
      <para>• Hersbach, H., Bell, B., Berrisford, P., Biavati, G., Horányi, A., Muñoz‐Sabater, J., … Thépaut, J.-N. (2018). ERA5 hourly data on pressure levels from 1979 to present. Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate Data Store (CDS). Accessed
        on 18-MAR-2021.</para>
      <para>• Lefebre, F., Fettweis, X., Gallée, H., Van Ypersele, J.-P., Marbaix, P., Greuell, W., & Calanca, P. (2005). Evaluation of a high-resolution regional climate simulation over Greenland. Climate Dynamics, 25(1), 99–116.</para>
      <para>• Mattingly, K. S., Mote, T. L., Fettweis, X., van As, D., Van Tricht, K., Lhermitte, S., et al. (2020). Strong summer atmospheric rivers trigger Greenland ice sheet melt through spatially varying surface energy balance and cloud regimes.
        Journal of Climate, 33(16), 6809–6832.</para>
      <keyword>Surface Mass Balance</keyword>
      <keyword>Surface Energy Balance</keyword>
      <keyword>Regional Climate Model</keyword>
      <keyword>Ice Sheets</keyword>
      <keywordThesaurus>NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)</keywordThesaurus>
      <para>This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit</para>
    <contact id="8505862714359933">
      <userId directory=""></userId>
      <title>Modèle Atmosphérique Régional (MAR) version 3.11 regional climate model (RCM) output, 1979-2019, Greenland domain, 10 km horizontal resolution</title>
      <personnel id="5703664340453942">
        <organizationName>University of Liege</organizationName>
        <positionName>Research Associate</positionName>
        <para>Collaborative Research: Exploring Tropospheric and stratospheric pathways linking sea ice and snow cover changes to Greenland surface mass balance</para>
    <otherEntity id="urn-uuid-522c2ab3-fc3c-4368-b7b6-952f81d3354e">
      <entityDescription>MAR output for 1979-2019</entityDescription>
        <attribute id="TOSyQmONaH0srSTbeXwuVOTAfd97NX">
          <attributeDefinition>Date-time in days since 1977-09-01 00:00:00</attributeDefinition>
            <propertyURI label="contains measurements of type"></propertyURI>
            <valueURI label="date and time of measurement"></valueURI>
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            <valueURI label="surface height"></valueURI>
        <attribute id="a9AHU5t5BM5eGBVyZqgta55LuMaWFf">
          <attributeLabel>Soil type</attributeLabel>
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                  <definition>Any text</definition>
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          <attributeDefinition>Surface Type</attributeDefinition>
                  <definition>Any text</definition>
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                  <definition>Any text</definition>
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                  <definition>Any text</definition>
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          <attributeDefinition>surface mass balance [mmWE/day]</attributeDefinition>
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          <attributeDefinition>Run-off of meltwater and rain water [mmWE/day]</attributeDefinition>
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            <valueURI label="Surface Runoff MOV"></valueURI>
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            <valueURI label="meltwater production rate"></valueURI>
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          <attributeDefinition>sublimation and evaporation [mmWE/day]</attributeDefinition>
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          <attributeDefinition>sensible heat flux</attributeDefinition>
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            <propertyURI label="contains measurements of type"></propertyURI>
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          <attributeDefinition>snow pack height total</attributeDefinition>
        <attribute id="PmcWvQWBIeMTQf6XitckVhIdgz80h6">
          <attributeDefinition>Ini. old firn/ice thickness</attributeDefinition>
mbjones commented 2 years ago

And this happened on ESS-DIVE yesterday as well. Here's the document that was salvaged from /drafts that shows the duplicated abstract.

Validation report:

$ ./bin/ ~/Downloads/vote-dams.xml
isValid: true
SAX validate Parser:
This parser WILL VALIDATE your eml file against the schema
Usage: java org.ecoinformatics.eml.SAXValidate <eml file> [schema -schemaLocation]
Error: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'abstract'. One of '{keywordSet, additionalInfo, intellectualRights, licensed, distribution, coverage, annotation, purpose, introduction, gettingStarted, acknowledgements, maintenance, contact}' is expected.
laurenwalker commented 2 years ago

Happened on the OPC today. The only thing to change in the Editor was add five data files (no entity metadata yet), and update the abstract. The original dataset did not have a resource map (originally from the KNB in 2017 so likely made with the old editor). It was EML 2.1.1. It also had no entity metadata.

EML Draft:

EML draft for doi:10.5063/F1RN360F(SCR_Aerial_SantaCatalinaIslandNorth_10052012_Imagery) by Rani Gaddam. This EML had the following save error: `Error inserting or updating document: doi:10.5063/F1RN360F since <?xml version="1.0"?><error>cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'abstract'. One of '{keywordSet, additionalInfo, intellectualRights, licensed, distribution, coverage, annotation, purpose, introduction, gettingStarted, acknowledgements, maintenance, contact}' is expected.</error>`   <eml:eml xmlns:eml="" xmlns:xsi="" packageId="doi:10.5063/F1RN360F" scope="system" system="knb" xsi:schemaLocation=""><dataset scope="document"><title>SCR_Aerial_SantaCatalinaIslandNorth_10052012_Imagery</title><creator id="1157677512897011"><individualName><givenName>James</givenName><surName>Reed</surName></individualName><organizationName>N/A</organizationName><address><deliveryPoint>13976 West Bowles Ave, Suite 100</deliveryPoint><city>Littleton</city><administrativeArea>CO</administrativeArea><postalCode>80127</postalCode><country>US</country></address><electronicMailAddress></electronicMailAddress></creator><associatedParty id="8230707452292011"><organizationName>N/A</organizationName><positionName>N/A</positionName><role>Overall Project Support</role></associatedParty><abstract><para>This raster dataset was developed for the Sea Grant South Coast MPA Baseline Program as part of the project “Nearshore Substrate Mapping and Change Analysis using Historical and Concurrent Multispectral Imagery” (#R/MPA 30 10-049). The study region is the South Coast Region (SCR). Imagery was acquired on October 15, 2012 at a spatial resolution of 0.3 meters using a Microsoft UltraCam-X digital camera acquiring in the red, green, blue and near-infrared bands. Information on the UltraCam-X camera system and wavelengths for each ban can be found in the file "The Microsoft Vexcel UltraCam X.pdf" included in the Support folder on the image data delivery media and on the server. This image mosaic product is a result of the resampling of the 0.3 meter data to 1 meter GSD. Details on this system and the data processing are below in the Lineage section of this document. Individual UCX image tiles were mosaicked into sections based on the islands covered and local coastal regions as well as the SCR MPA zones in order to generate this multispectral image product. These imagery were subsequently used to generate habitat classification thematic maps of the SCR's intertidal region and kelp beds from Point Conception to Imperial Beach, CA. The imagery files deliverd are in GeoTIFF format.</para><para>This raster image dataset represents mosaicked, multi-spectral imagery in the red, green, blue and near-infrared (RGB,NIR) spectral bands, targeting giant kelp beds and the intertidal zone along the Southern California Coast region from Point Conception, CA down to Imperial beach, CA. This raster dataset includes the Long Point SMR, Blue Cavern SMCA, and the Arrow Point to Lion Head Point SMCA.</para><para>This dataset was originally uploaded to Oceanspaces ( and the Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity (KNB, in 2013 as part of the South Coast baseline monitoring program. In 2022 this dataset was moved to the California Ocean Protection Council Data Repository ( by Mike Esgro ( and Rani Gaddam ( At that time the GIS analysis products were added to the dataset.</para><para>The long-term California MPA boundary and project info tables can be found as a separate dataset here:</para></abstract><abstract><para>This raster dataset was developed for the Sea Grant South Coast MPA Baseline Program as part of the project “Nearshore Substrate Mapping and Change Analysis using Historical and Concurrent Multispectral Imagery” (#R/MPA 30 10-049). The study region is the South Coast Region (SCR). Imagery was acquired on October 15, 2012 at a spatial resolution of 0.3 meters using a Microsoft UltraCam-X digital camera acquiring in the red, green, blue and near-infrared bands. Information on the UltraCam-X camera system and wavelengths for each ban can be found in the file "The Microsoft Vexcel UltraCam X.pdf" included in the Support folder on the image data delivery media and on the server. This image mosaic product is a result of the resampling of the 0.3 meter data to 1 meter GSD. Details on this system and the data processing are below in the Lineage section of this document. Individual UCX image tiles were mosaicked into sections based on the islands covered and local coastal regions as well as the SCR MPA zones in order to generate this multispectral image product. These imagery were subsequently used to generate habitat classification thematic maps of the SCR's intertidal region and kelp beds from Point Conception to Imperial Beach, CA. The imagery files deliverd are in GeoTIFF format.
This raster image dataset represents mosaicked, multi-spectral imagery in the red, green, blue and near-infrared (RGB,NIR) spectral bands, targeting giant kelp beds and the intertidal zone along the Southern California Coast region from Point Conception, CA down to Imperial beach, CA. This raster dataset includes the Long Point SMR, Blue Cavern SMCA, and the Arrow Point to Lion Head Point SMCA. 

</para></abstract><keywordSet><keyword>South Coast: Nearshore Substrate Mapping Using Multi-Spectral Aerial Imagery:SCR_Aerial_SantaCatalinaIslandNorth_10052012_Imagery:2012 to 2012</keyword><keyword>California</keyword><keyword>MPA</keyword><keyword>MPA Baseline Program</keyword><keyword>South Coast</keyword><keyword>Oceanographic</keyword><keyword>GIS layers</keyword><keyword>Rocky Intertidal Ecosystems</keyword><keyword>Soft-Bottom Intertidal and Beach Ecosystems</keyword><keyword>environment, Southern California Coast, oceans, biota, imagery, base maps, Earth cover, California, Sea Grant, MPA, SMCA, SMR, kelp, multispectral imagery, MPA Baseline Program, substrate, Microsoft UltraCam-X, Ocean Imaging</keyword></keywordSet><intellectualRights><para>This work is dedicated to the public domain under the Creative Commons Universal 1.0 Public Domain Dedication. To view a copy of this dedication, visit</para></intellectualRights><coverage scope="document"><temporalCoverage scope="document"><rangeOfDates><beginDate><calendarDate>2012-01-01</calendarDate></beginDate><endDate><calendarDate>2012-12-30</calendarDate></endDate></rangeOfDates></temporalCoverage><geographicCoverage scope="document"><geographicDescription>Data package from Ocean Spaces</geographicDescription><boundingCoordinates><westBoundingCoordinate>-118.6142</westBoundingCoordinate><eastBoundingCoordinate>-118.3043</eastBoundingCoordinate><northBoundingCoordinate>33.4897</northBoundingCoordinate><southBoundingCoordinate>33.3327</southBoundingCoordinate></boundingCoordinates><datasetGPolygon><datasetGPolygonOuterGRing><gRing>-118.6142, 33.4897, -118.6142, 33.3327, -118.3043, 33.3327, -118.3043, 33.4897</gRing></datasetGPolygonOuterGRing></datasetGPolygon></geographicCoverage></coverage><contact scope="document" id="2393569515115325"><individualName><givenName>Mark</givenName><surName>Hess</surName></individualName><organizationName>Ocean Imaging</organizationName><positionName>Director of Operations</positionName></contact><project scope="document"><title>South Coast: Nearshore Substrate Mapping Using Multi-Spectral Aerial Imagery</title><personnel scope="document"><organizationName>N/A</organizationName><role>Overall Project Support</role></personnel></project><otherEntity id="urn-uuid-121f1805-6434-469b-ac38-eab80a085b0d"><entityName></entityName><entityType>application/zip</entityType></otherEntity><otherEntity id="urn-uuid-c35b4e39-6be0-4496-8d37-83610444c4b0"><entityName>urn_uuid_f00ba9c4_4db8_4ac7_a47a_a081a377b021_DATA.pdf</entityName><entityType>application/pdf</entityType></otherEntity><otherEntity id="urn-uuid-a9b43d49-541e-4c2b-9c40-5034e0bfa8a6"><entityName>urn_uuid_ccb1c519_6e06_4dfc_8e9b_003fc0f461a7_DATA.txt</entityName><entityType>text/plain</entityType></otherEntity><otherEntity id="urn-uuid-c51fd99e-eee8-44e5-b467-743c654a02fb"><entityName>urn_uuid_99c5a537_2ecf_46f1_9077_245a4b7fc2d5_DATA.txt</entityName><entityType>text/plain</entityType></otherEntity><otherEntity id="urn-uuid-cbedef89-5f3b-4e05-9a31-51e81f277b6c"><entityName>urn_uuid_9c6153d1_46bb_492e_b2e6_b4b7013d0b08_DATA.txt</entityName><entityType>text/plain</entityType></otherEntity><otherEntity id="urn-uuid-57da9545-34a6-4ac5-a387-c47355319c4e"><entityName>urn_uuid_5bb1409e_5789_4778_a740_6ba050877d56_DATA.txt</entityName><entityType>text/plain</entityType></otherEntity></dataset></eml:eml>

Original EML:

<eml:eml xmlns:eml="eml://" xmlns:xsi="" packageId="doi:10.5063/F1RN360F" scope="system" system="knb" xsi:schemaLocation=" "><dataset scope="document"><title>SCR_Aerial_SantaCatalinaIslandNorth_10052012_Imagery</title><creator><individualName><givenName>James</givenName><surName>Reed</surName></individualName><organizationName>N/A</organizationName><address><deliveryPoint>13976 West Bowles Ave, Suite 100</deliveryPoint><city>Littleton</city><administrativeArea>CO</administrativeArea><postalCode>80127</postalCode><country>US</country></address><electronicMailAddress></electronicMailAddress></creator><associatedParty><individualName><givenName></givenName><surName></surName></individualName><organizationName>N/A</organizationName><positionName>N/A</positionName><role>Overall Project Support</role></associatedParty><abstract><para>This raster dataset was developed for the Sea Grant South Coast MPA Baseline Program as part of the project “Nearshore Substrate Mapping and Change Analysis using Historical and Concurrent Multispectral Imagery” (#R/MPA 30 10-049). The study region is the South Coast Region (SCR). Imagery was acquired on October 15, 2012 at a spatial resolution of 0.3 meters using a Microsoft UltraCam-X digital camera acquiring in the red, green, blue and near-infrared bands. Information on the UltraCam-X camera system and wavelengths for each ban can be found in the file "The Microsoft Vexcel UltraCam X.pdf" included in the Support folder on the image data delivery media and on the server. This image mosaic product is a result of the resampling of the 0.3 meter data to 1 meter GSD. Details on this system and the data processing are below in the Lineage section of this document. Individual UCX image tiles were mosaicked into sections based on the islands covered and local coastal regions as well as the SCR MPA zones in order to generate this multispectral image product. These imagery were subsequently used to generate habitat classification thematic maps of the SCR's intertidal region and kelp beds from Point Conception to Imperial Beach, CA. The imagery files deliverd are in GeoTIFF format.
This raster image dataset represents mosaicked, multi-spectral imagery in the red, green, blue and near-infrared (RGB,NIR) spectral bands, targeting giant kelp beds and the intertidal zone along the Southern California Coast region from Point Conception, CA down to Imperial beach, CA. This raster dataset includes the Long Point SMR, Blue Cavern SMCA, and the Arrow Point to Lion Head Point SMCA. 

</para></abstract><keywordSet><keyword>South Coast: Nearshore Substrate Mapping Using Multi-Spectral Aerial Imagery:SCR_Aerial_SantaCatalinaIslandNorth_10052012_Imagery:2012 to 2012</keyword><keyword>California</keyword><keyword>MPA</keyword><keyword>MPA Baseline Program</keyword><keyword>South Coast</keyword><keyword>Oceanographic</keyword><keyword>GIS layers</keyword><keyword>Rocky Intertidal Ecosystems</keyword><keyword>Soft-Bottom Intertidal and Beach Ecosystems</keyword><keyword>environment, Southern California Coast, oceans, biota, imagery, base maps, Earth cover, California, Sea Grant, MPA, SMCA, SMR, kelp, multispectral imagery, MPA Baseline Program, substrate, Microsoft UltraCam-X, Ocean Imaging</keyword></keywordSet><coverage scope="document"><temporalCoverage scope="document"><rangeOfDates><beginDate><calendarDate>2012-01-01</calendarDate></beginDate><endDate><calendarDate>2012-12-30</calendarDate></endDate></rangeOfDates></temporalCoverage><geographicCoverage scope="document"><geographicDescription>Data package from Ocean Spaces</geographicDescription><boundingCoordinates><westBoundingCoordinate>-118.6142</westBoundingCoordinate><eastBoundingCoordinate>-118.3043</eastBoundingCoordinate><northBoundingCoordinate>33.4897</northBoundingCoordinate><southBoundingCoordinate>33.3327</southBoundingCoordinate></boundingCoordinates><datasetGPolygon><datasetGPolygonOuterGRing><gRing>-118.6142, 33.4897, -118.6142, 33.3327, -118.3043, 33.3327, -118.3043, 33.4897</gRing></datasetGPolygonOuterGRing></datasetGPolygon></geographicCoverage></coverage><contact scope="document"><individualName><givenName>Mark</givenName><surName>Hess</surName></individualName><organizationName>Ocean Imaging</organizationName><positionName>Director of Operations</positionName></contact><project scope="document"><title>South Coast: Nearshore Substrate Mapping Using Multi-Spectral Aerial Imagery</title><personnel scope="document"><organizationName>N/A</organizationName><role>Overall Project Support</role></personnel></project></dataset></eml:eml>

This has been marked high priority for a few months and has happened a few times now, so I will be focusing on getting this bug fixed ASAP.

laurenwalker commented 2 years ago

This was fixed in b1e84318ea8b629ca612c242be918ba77e2b140f