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MetacatUI: A client-side web interface for DataONE data repositories
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invalid resource map generated in the midst of connection issues #893

Open jeanetteclark opened 5 years ago

jeanetteclark commented 5 years ago

During the UCSB network outage this morning I was in the midst of updating a data package using the web editor (added two data files). I pushed submit and noticed that the resource map didn't index right away. Shortly after that I was unable to connect to the KNB at all (due to the outage).

When we got back online and the resource map had still not indexed, @amoeba found this in the logs:

metacat-index 20190206-15:21:34: [ERROR]: SolrIndex.update - could not update the solr index for the object urn:uuid:06f21a3c-6676-4bce-bb6c-693e2f4e87fc since org.dspace.foresite.OREParserException: org.dspace.foresite.OREException: No Identifer statement was found for the resourceMap resource ('') [edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.index.SolrIndex:update:604]

indicating that an invalid resource map was generated.

pid is: urn:uuid:06f21a3c-6676-4bce-bb6c-693e2f4e87fc

amoeba commented 5 years ago

Here's the ORE in ttl format:

@prefix rdf: <> .

    <> <> .

    <> <> .

    <> [
        a <> ;
        <> "DataONE Java Client Library"
    ] ;
    <> "urn:uuid:06f21a3c-6676-4bce-bb6c-693e2f4e87fc" ;
    <> "2019-02-06T15:19:12.536-08:00"^^<> ;
    a <> .

    <> "DataONE Aggregation" ;
    a <> .

    a <> ;
    <> <>, <> .

    a <> ;
    <> <> .

    a <> .

    a <> .

The ORE above shows some odd things:

grepping catalina.out for the resource map PID, I see:

metacat-index 20190206-15:21:34: [ERROR]: SolrIndex.update - could not update the solr index for the object urn:uuid:06f21a3c-6676-4bce-bb6c-693e2f4e87fc since org.dspace.foresite.OREParserException: org.dspace.foresite.OREException: No Identifer statement was found for the resourceMap resource ('') [edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.index.SolrIndex:update:604]
metacat-index 20190206-21:34:16: [ERROR]: SolrIndex.update - could not update the solr index for the object urn:uuid:06f21a3c-6676-4bce-bb6c-693e2f4e87fc since org.dspace.foresite.OREParserException: org.dspace.foresite.OREException: No Identifer statement was found for the resourceMap resource ('') [edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.index.SolrIndex:update:604]
metacat-index 20190207-00:22:34: [ERROR]: SolrIndex.update - could not update the solr index for the object urn:uuid:06f21a3c-6676-4bce-bb6c-693e2f4e87fc since org.dspace.foresite.OREParserException: org.dspace.foresite.OREException: No Identifer statement was found for the resourceMap resource ('') [edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.index.SolrIndex:update:604]
metacat-index 20190207-21:34:26: [ERROR]: SolrIndex.update - could not update the solr index for the object urn:uuid:06f21a3c-6676-4bce-bb6c-693e2f4e87fc since org.dspace.foresite.OREParserException: org.dspace.foresite.OREException: No Identifer statement was found for the resourceMap resource ('') [edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.index.SolrIndex:update:604]
metacat 20190208-08:35:33: [ERROR]: D1ResourceHandler: Serializing exception with code 400: The previous identifier has already been made obsolete by: urn:uuid:06f21a3c-6676-4bce-bb6c-693e2f4e87fc [edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.restservice.D1ResourceHandler:serializeException:536]
org.dataone.service.exceptions.InvalidRequest: The previous identifier has already been made obsolete by: urn:uuid:06f21a3c-6676-4bce-bb6c-693e2f4e87fc

So I interpret this all to mean that the Data Package ORE was invalid and therefore not indexed.

jeanetteclark commented 5 years ago

I just managed to recreate this bug again by updating the package again after fixing the resource map. So network issues appear to be unrelated