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DataONE displays creation date (2013) instead of publication date (2019) in citation #963

Closed rogerdahl closed 5 years ago

rogerdahl commented 5 years ago

Reported by Ross Martin @ Research Workspace

Michelle Lander, Brian Fadely, Devin Johnson, Thomas Gelatt, Jeremy Sterling, et al. 2013. Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) satellite telemetry data used to determine at-sea distribution in the western-central Aleutian Islands, Alaska 2000-2013. urn:node:RW. 10.24431/rw1k31z, version: 10.24431_rw1k31z_2019423183832.

ISO fragment:

            <gco:CharacterString>Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) satellite telemetry data used to determine at-sea distribution in the western-central Aleutian Islands, Alaska 2000-2013</gco:CharacterString>
                <gmd:CI_DateTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="creation">creation</gmd:CI_DateTypeCode>
                <gmd:CI_DateTypeCode codeList="  Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#CI_DateTypeCode" codeListValue="publication">publication</gmd:CI_DateTypeCode>
                    <gco:CharacterString>International DOI Foundation (IDF)</gco:CharacterString>
                  <gmd:date gco:nilReason="missing"/>

Expected result:

CI_Date where codeListValue="publication" (edited)

ISO 19115 metadata record

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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        <gco:CharacterString>Brian Fadely</gco:CharacterString>
        <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory Alaska Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries</gco:CharacterString>
        <gco:CharacterString>Research Wildlife Biologist</gco:CharacterString>
                <gco:CharacterString>(206) 526-6173</gco:CharacterString>
                <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory</gco:CharacterString>
                <gco:CharacterString>7600 Sand Point Way NE</gco:CharacterString>
        <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="coAuthor">coAuthor</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
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    <gco:CharacterString>ISO 19115</gco:CharacterString>
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            <gco:CharacterString>Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) satellite telemetry data used to determine at-sea distribution in the western-central Aleutian Islands, Alaska 2000-2013</gco:CharacterString>
                <gmd:CI_DateTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="creation">creation</gmd:CI_DateTypeCode>
                <gmd:CI_DateTypeCode codeList="  Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#CI_DateTypeCode" codeListValue="publication">publication</gmd:CI_DateTypeCode>
                    <gco:CharacterString>International DOI Foundation (IDF)</gco:CharacterString>
                  <gmd:date gco:nilReason="missing"/>
              <gmd:individualName gco:nilReason="template"/>
                        <gco:CharacterString>Additional metadata within the Alaska Fisheries Science Center's Metadata Library</gco:CharacterString>
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              <gmd:individualName gco:nilReason="template"/>
                        <gco:CharacterString>Link to pdf of Lander, M., D. Johnson, B. Fadely, and T. Gelatt. 2013. At-sea distribution of Steller sea lions in the western-central Aleutian Islands. Memo submitted to Alaska Science Center. August 2013. 20 pp.</gco:CharacterString>
              <gmd:role gco:nilReason="template"/>
                <gco:CharacterString>Michelle Lander</gco:CharacterString>
                <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory Alaska Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries</gco:CharacterString>
                <gco:CharacterString>Research Fisheries Biologist</gco:CharacterString>
                        <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory</gco:CharacterString>
                        <gco:CharacterString>7600 Sand Point Way NE</gco:CharacterString>
                <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="principalInvestigator">principalInvestigator</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
                <gco:CharacterString>Michelle Lander</gco:CharacterString>
                <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory Alaska Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries</gco:CharacterString>
                <gco:CharacterString>Research Fisheries Biologist</gco:CharacterString>
                        <gco:CharacterString>(206) 526-4012</gco:CharacterString>
                        <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory</gco:CharacterString>
                        <gco:CharacterString>7600 Sand Point Way NE</gco:CharacterString>
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        <gco:CharacterString>For this study we combined telemetry data from satellite-linked transmitters that were deployed on juvenile (n = 39) and adult female (n = 6) Steller sea lions during 2000-2013 in the western and central Aleutian Islands and conducted a spatial analysis to identify patterns of use relative to Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) critical habitat (50 CFR 226.202) and bathymetry in an area of intense fisheries management measures that were intended to reduce potential competition. Location data (Lander et al Table 1 Argos data) and animal information (Lander et al Table 2 Suppl info) are presented in two CSV files.</gco:CharacterString>
        <gco:CharacterString>These datasets were used for an analysis of the at-sea distribution of Steller sea lions in the western-central Aleutian Islands, Alaska to analyze habitat use and potential foraging areas relative to critical habitat designations. This analysis was prepared to support the 2014 Section 7 Biological Opinion by NMFS evaluating effects of commercial groundfish fisheries on Steller sea lion populations.</gco:CharacterString>
        <gmd:MD_ProgressCode codeList="" codeListValue="completed">completed</gmd:MD_ProgressCode>
            <gco:CharacterString>Michelle Lander</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory Alaska Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>Research Fisheries Biologist</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>7600 Sand Point Way NE</gco:CharacterString>
            <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="pointOfContact">pointOfContact</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
            <gco:CharacterString>Michelle Lander</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>NOAANMFSAlaska Fisheries Science Center</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>Research Fisheries Biologist</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory</gco:CharacterString>
            <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="principalInvestigator">principalInvestigator</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
            <gco:CharacterString>Brian Fadely</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory Alaska Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>Research Wildlife Biologist</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>7600 Sand Point Way NE</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>United States</gco:CharacterString>
            <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="author">author</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
            <gco:CharacterString>Devin Johnson</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory Alaska Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>Research Statistician</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>(206) 526-6867</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE</gco:CharacterString>
            <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="author">author</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
            <gco:CharacterString>Thomas Gelatt</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>Lead, Alaska Ecosystem Program</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>(206) 526-4040</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>7600 Sand Point Way NE</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>United States</gco:CharacterString>
            <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="author">author</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
            <gco:CharacterString>Jeremy Sterling</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>AFSC Marine Mammal Laboratory</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>Fisheries Biologist</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>(206) 526-4033</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>7600 Sand Point Way NE</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>United States</gco:CharacterString>
            <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="originator">originator</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
            <gco:CharacterString>Michael Rehberg</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Program, ADF&amp;G</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>Program Lead</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>(907) 267-2100</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>333 Raspberry Road</gco:CharacterString>
            <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="owner">owner</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
            <gco:CharacterString>Jennifer Burns</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>University of Alaska, Anchorage</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>Professor of Biological Sciences</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>(907) 863-8809</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>3101 Science Circle, CPISB 202C</gco:CharacterString>
            <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="owner">owner</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
            <gmd:MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode codeList="" codeListValue="notPlanned">notPlanned</gmd:MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode>
                <gco:CharacterString>Michelle Lander</gco:CharacterString>
                <gco:CharacterString>NOAANMFSAlaska Fisheries Science Center</gco:CharacterString>
                <gco:CharacterString>Research Fisheries Biologist</gco:CharacterString>
                        <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory</gco:CharacterString>
                        <gco:CharacterString>7600 Sand Point Way NE</gco:CharacterString>
                <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="originator">originator</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
            <gco:CharacterString>Eumetopias jubatus</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>northern sea lion, steller sealion, Steller's sea lion, Steller Sea Lion</gco:CharacterString>
              <gmd:date gco:nilReason="template"/>
            <gco:CharacterString>fisheries interaction</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>endangered species</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>foraging distribution</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>satellite tracking</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>satellite tags</gco:CharacterString>
            <gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="theme">theme</gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode>
                <gco:CharacterString>NPRB Keywords version 1.0</gco:CharacterString>
              <gmd:date gco:nilReason="unknown"/>
            <gco:CharacterString>OCEAN &gt; PACIFIC OCEAN &gt; NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN &gt; BERING SEA</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>OCEAN &gt; PACIFIC OCEAN &gt; NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN &gt; GULF OF ALASKA</gco:CharacterString>
            <gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="place">place</gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode>
                <gco:CharacterString>GCMD Locations Keywords version 8.4.1</gco:CharacterString>
              <gmd:date gco:nilReason="unknown"/>
            <gco:CharacterString>EARTH SCIENCE &gt; OCEANS &gt; AQUATIC SCIENCES</gco:CharacterString>
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                <gco:CharacterString>GCMD Science Keywords version 8.4.1</gco:CharacterString>
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            <gco:CharacterString>Animal-based Platform - Mammal</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>Animal-mounted instrument</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>Aleutian Islands</gco:CharacterString>
            <gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="platform">platform</gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode>
            <gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="temporal">temporal</gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode>
            <gco:CharacterString>This dataset was used for an analysis prepared to support the NMFS 2014 Section 7 Biological Opinion evaluating effects of commercial groundfish fisheries on Steller sea lion populations.</gco:CharacterString>
                <gco:CharacterString>Michelle Lander</gco:CharacterString>
                <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="user">user</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
            <gco:CharacterString>Applications or inferences derived from the data should be carefully considered for accuracy. While every effort has been made to ensure that these data are accurate and reliable within the limits of the current state of the art, NOAA cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in the data, nor as a result of the failure of the data to function on a particular system. NOAA makes no warranty, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty.</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>Cite as: Lander....</gco:CharacterString>
        <gmd:MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="textTable">textTable</gmd:MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode>
        <gco:CharacterString>The original data were decoded with a data analysis program (SATPAK or DAP; Wildlife Computers Inc., Redmond, WA), further processed in the R Development environment (R 3.0.1, R Development Core Team 2006), then output into a CSV format for dissemination.</gco:CharacterString>
                <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="gmlid_1">
                  <gml:description>The start time marks the first transmission (after release) of the first tag deployed in the dataset, whereas the end time indicates the last transmission of the last tag deployed in the dataset.</gml:description>
              <gmd:verticalCRS xlink:href="" xlink:title="EPSG 5714 - Mean Sea Level height"/>
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                      <gml:coordinates decimal="-192.91717529296875,50.792047064406866 -189.70916748046875,55.55349545845371 -167.86834716796875,56.3409012041991 -167.78045654296875,51.80861475198521 -179.73358154296875,49.61070993807422 -192.91717529296875,50.792047064406866"/>
        <gco:CharacterString>eng; USA</gco:CharacterString>
        <gco:LocalName>This data dictionary descrbies entities and attributes in the data tables from this dataset, which describe telemetry data of Steller sea lions in the western-central Aleutian Islands: Lander et al Table 1 Argos data.</gco:LocalName>
            <gco:CharacterString>Data dictionary for telemetry data of Steller sea lions in the western-central Aleutian Islands</gco:CharacterString>
          <gmd:date gco:nilReason="missing"/>
                <gco:CharacterString>Axiom Data Science</gco:CharacterString>
                <gco:CharacterString>Axiom Data Science</gco:CharacterString>
                <gco:CharacterString>Metadata Specialist</gco:CharacterString>
                <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="distributor">distributor</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
                <gco:CharacterString>not applicable</gco:CharacterString>
            <gmd:MD_ScopeCode codeList="" codeListValue="dataset">dataset</gmd:MD_ScopeCode>
            <gco:CharacterString>During February 2000 to October 2012, juvenile (n=39) and adult female (n=6) Steller sea lions were captured at rookeries and haulout sites within the western and central Aleutian Islands, equipped with data archiving satellite-linked transmitters, then released. Different instruments deployed included satellite-linked depth recorders (SDRT10&amp;16, Wildlife Computers Ltd., Redmond, WA), satellite-relayed data loggers (SRDL series 9000, Sea Mammal Research Unit, University of St. Andrews, Scotland), or fast-loc transmitters (SPLASH10-F-400, Wildlife Computers) attached to the dorsum of each juvenile or to the top of the head of adult females using epoxy adhesive. All data were obtained through Service Argos, Inc. (Argos 1996) and decoded using SATPAK software or a data analysis program (DAP; Wildlife Computers Inc.). Locations from all instruments were filtered using a swim speed of 2 m/s with the algorithm described by McConnell et al. (1992) after deleting duplicate and Z (-9) locations (argosfilterpackage, R 3.0.1, R Development Core Team 2006).</gco:CharacterString>
                <gco:CharacterString>Data were filtered for location quality by deleting duplicate and Z (-9) locations, and speed-filtered to remove locations requiring swim speeds greater than 2 m/s.</gco:CharacterString>
                <gco:CharacterString>The purpose of this processing step was to delete erroneous (unrealistic) positions obtained from Service Argos.</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>Michelle Lander</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>NOAANMFSAlaska Fisheries Science Center</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>Research Fisheries Biologist</gco:CharacterString>
                            <gco:CharacterString>(206) 526-4012</gco:CharacterString>
                            <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory</gco:CharacterString>
                            <gco:CharacterString>7600 Sand Point Way NE</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="processor">processor</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
                    <gco:CharacterString>Jeremy Sterling NOAA Federal</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>AFSC Marine Mammal Laboratory</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>Fisheries Biologist</gco:CharacterString>
                            <gco:CharacterString>(206) 526-4033</gco:CharacterString>
                            <gco:CharacterString>7600 Sand Point Way NE</gco:CharacterString>
                            <gco:CharacterString>United States</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="processor">processor</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
                    <gco:CharacterString>Michael Rehberg</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Program, ADF&amp;G</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>Program Lead</gco:CharacterString>
                            <gco:CharacterString>333 Raspberry Road</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="processor">processor</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
              <gmd:sourceCitation gco:nilReason="missing"/>
                  <gmd:description gco:nilReason="missing"/>
        <gmd:MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode codeList="" codeListValue="asNeeded">asNeeded</gmd:MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode>
            <gco:CharacterString>Brian Fadely</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory Alaska Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>Research Wildlife Biologist</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>(206) 526-6173</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>Marine Mammal Laboratory</gco:CharacterString>
                    <gco:CharacterString>7600 Sand Point Way NE</gco:CharacterString>
            <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="coAuthor">coAuthor</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
taojing2002 commented 5 years ago

This is a dataone index issue. I re-open the ticket: On 5/31/19 7:22 PM, Roger Dahl wrote:

Reported by Ross Martin @ Research Workspace

Michelle Lander, Brian Fadely, Devin Johnson, Thomas Gelatt, Jeremy Sterling, et al. 2013. Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) satellite telemetry data used to determine at-sea distribution in the western-central Aleutian Islands, Alaska 2000-2013. urn:node:RW. 10.24431/rw1k31z, version: 10.24431_rw1k31z_2019423183832.

ISO fragment:


Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) satellite telemetry data used to determine at-sea distribution in the western-central Aleutian Islands, Alaska 2000-2013 2013-01-01 creation 2019-06-01 publication International DOI Foundation (IDF) | Expected result: CI_Date where codeListValue="publication" (edited) ISO 19115 metadata record | eng;USA UTF-8 dataset Brian Fadely Marine Mammal Laboratory Alaska Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries Research Wildlife Biologist (206) 526-6173 Marine Mammal Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle WA 98115 USA coAuthor ISO 19115 Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) satellite telemetry data used to determine at-sea distribution in the western-central Aleutian Islands, Alaska 2000-2013 2013-01-01 creation 2019-06-01 publication International DOI Foundation (IDF) Additional metadata within the Alaska Fisheries Science Center's Metadata Library Link to pdf of Lander, M., D. Johnson, B. Fadely, and T. Gelatt. 2013. At-sea distribution of Steller sea lions in the western-central Aleutian Islands. Memo submitted to Alaska Science Center. August 2013. 20 pp. Michelle Lander Marine Mammal Laboratory Alaska Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries Research Fisheries Biologist 206-526-4012 Marine Mammal Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle WA 98115 USA principalInvestigator Michelle Lander Marine Mammal Laboratory Alaska Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries Research Fisheries Biologist (206) 526-4012 Marine Mammal Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle WA 98115 USA originator tableDigital For this study we combined telemetry data from satellite-linked transmitters that were deployed on juvenile (n = 39) and adult female (n = 6) Steller sea lions during 2000-2013 in the western and central Aleutian Islands and conducted a spatial analysis to identify patterns of use relative to Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) critical habitat (50 CFR 226.202) and bathymetry in an area of intense fisheries management measures that were intended to reduce potential competition. Location data (Lander et al Table 1 Argos data) and animal information (Lander et al Table 2 Suppl info) are presented in two CSV files. These datasets were used for an analysis of the at-sea distribution of Steller sea lions in the western-central Aleutian Islands, Alaska to analyze habitat use and potential foraging areas relative to critical habitat designations. This analysis was prepared to support the 2014 Section 7 Biological Opinion by NMFS evaluating effects of commercial groundfish fisheries on Steller sea lion populations. completed Michelle Lander Marine Mammal Laboratory Alaska Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries Research Fisheries Biologist 206-526-4012 Marine Mammal Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle WA 98125 USA pointOfContact Michelle Lander NOAANMFSAlaska Fisheries Science Center Research Fisheries Biologist Marine Mammal Laboratory principalInvestigator Brian Fadely Marine Mammal Laboratory Alaska Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries Research Wildlife Biologist 206-526-6173 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle Washington 98115 United States author Devin Johnson Marine Mammal Laboratory Alaska Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries Research Statistician (206) 526-6867 Marine Mammal Laboratory Marine Mammal Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle WA 98115 USA author Thomas Gelatt Marine Mammal Laboratory Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries Lead, Alaska Ecosystem Program (206) 526-4040 Marine Mammal Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle Washington 98115 United States author Jeremy Sterling AFSC Marine Mammal Laboratory Fisheries Biologist (206) 526-4033 Marine Mammal Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle Washington 98115 United States originator Michael Rehberg Marine Mammal Program, ADF&G Program Lead (907) 267-2100 333 Raspberry Road Anchorage AK 99518 USA owner Jennifer Burns University of Alaska, Anchorage Professor of Biological Sciences (907) 863-8809 3101 Science Circle, CPISB 202C Anchorage AK 99508 USA owner notPlanned Michelle Lander NOAANMFSAlaska Fisheries Science Center Research Fisheries Biologist 206-526-4012 Marine Mammal Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle WA 98115 USA originator Eumetopias jubatus northern sea lion, steller sealion, Steller's sea lion, Steller Sea Lion ITIS fisheries interaction endangered species conservation foraging distribution satellite tracking satellite tags theme NPRB Keywords version 1.0 OCEAN > PACIFIC OCEAN > NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN > BERING SEA OCEAN > PACIFIC OCEAN > NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN > GULF OF ALASKA place GCMD Locations Keywords version 8.4.1 EARTH SCIENCE > OCEANS > AQUATIC SCIENCES instrument GCMD Science Keywords version 8.4.1 Animal-based Platform - Mammal Animal-mounted instrument Aleutian Islands platform 2000-2013 autumn summer spring winter temporal This dataset was used for an analysis prepared to support the NMFS 2014 Section 7 Biological Opinion evaluating effects of commercial groundfish fisheries on Steller sea lion populations. 2013-11-13T00:00:00-07:00 Michelle Lander user Applications or inferences derived from the data should be carefully considered for accuracy. While every effort has been made to ensure that these data are accurate and reliable within the limits of the current state of the art, NOAA cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in the data, nor as a result of the failure of the data to function on a particular system. NOAA makes no warranty, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. Cite as: Lander.... textTable eng;USA boundaries oceans environment biota The original data were decoded with a data analysis program (SATPAK or DAP; Wildlife Computers Inc., Redmond, WA), further processed in the R Development environment (R 3.0.1, R Development Core Team 2006), then output into a CSV format for dissemination. The start time marks the first transmission (after release) of the first tag deployed in the dataset, whereas the end time indicates the last transmission of the last tag deployed in the dataset. 2000-02-29T22:38:00-09:00 2013-07-05T09:41:00-09:00 0.0 0.0 179.995469 192.71297 48.535795 57.073602 eng; USA true This data dictionary descrbies entities and attributes in the data tables from this dataset, which describe telemetry data of Steller sea lions in the western-central Aleutian Islands: Lander et al Table 1 Argos data. Data dictionary for telemetry data of Steller sea lions in the western-central Aleutian Islands Axiom Data Science Axiom Data Science Metadata Specialist distributor csv not applicable dataset During February 2000 to October 2012, juvenile (n=39) and adult female (n=6) Steller sea lions were captured at rookeries and haulout sites within the western and central Aleutian Islands, equipped with data archiving satellite-linked transmitters, then released. Different instruments deployed included satellite-linked depth recorders (SDRT10&16, Wildlife Computers Ltd., Redmond, WA), satellite-relayed data loggers (SRDL series 9000, Sea Mammal Research Unit, University of St. Andrews, Scotland), or fast-loc transmitters (SPLASH10-F-400, Wildlife Computers) attached to the dorsum of each juvenile or to the top of the head of adult females using epoxy adhesive. All data were obtained through Service Argos, Inc. (Argos 1996) and decoded using SATPAK software or a data analysis program (DAP; Wildlife Computers Inc.). Locations from all instruments were filtered using a swim speed of 2 m/s with the algorithm described by McConnell et al. (1992) after deleting duplicate and Z (-9) locations (argosfilterpackage, R 3.0.1, R Development Core Team 2006). Data were filtered for location quality by deleting duplicate and Z (-9) locations, and speed-filtered to remove locations requiring swim speeds greater than 2 m/s. The purpose of this processing step was to delete erroneous (unrealistic) positions obtained from Service Argos. Michelle Lander NOAANMFSAlaska Fisheries Science Center Research Fisheries Biologist (206) 526-4012 Marine Mammal Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle WA 98115 USA processor Jeremy Sterling NOAA Federal AFSC Marine Mammal Laboratory Fisheries Biologist (206) 526-4033 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle Washington 98115 United States processor Michael Rehberg Marine Mammal Program, ADF&G Program Lead 907-267-2100 333 Raspberry Road Anchorage AK 99518 USA processor asNeeded Brian Fadely Marine Mammal Laboratory Alaska Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries Research Wildlife Biologist (206) 526-6173 Marine Mammal Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle WA 98115 USA coAuthor | — You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub , or mute the thread .
amoeba commented 5 years ago

Thanks for piping this issue in here from Ross, @rogerdahl! I'm going to go ahead and close this since @taojing2002 has re-opened the relevant ticket over at