NCEAS / metadig-checks

MetaDIG suites and checks for data and metadata improvement and guidance.
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entity.attributeNames.unique #35

Closed gothub closed 4 years ago

gothub commented 5 years ago


For each data entity in a dataset, check that the attribute names within a data entity are unique.




smrgeoinfo commented 5 years ago

This either requires that the attributes are described in the metadata (e.g. CSDGM Entity/Attribute metadata), or that the validator GET the data and is able to perform the necessary introspection to determine attribute names.

mbjones commented 5 years ago

@smrgeoinfo exactly. Its a more stringent check than the entity.attributeNames.present would be, and assumes the names are in the metadata. Not sure we want to be pulling attribute metadata out of data entities for this check -- that seems more in the spirit of a metadata-data congruency check that would compare the names in the metadata to the names in the data file (e.g., an entity.attributeNames.congruent check).