NCEAS / metadig-engine

MetaDig Engine: multi-dialect metadata assessment engine
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Slow down execution of data suite #422

Open jeanetteclark opened 2 months ago

jeanetteclark commented 2 months ago

The data suite shouldn't run unless the metadata document and resource map have finished indexing. I'm not positive, but I'm seeing some random "identifier not found on the node" errors with the data quality suite, and I think it is because the package has not finished indexing.

Need to find a mechanism to not run the suite until that indexing has finished

mbjones commented 2 months ago

This sounds smart if we are accessing things via the API. If we move to accessing content from the filesystem, I presume this wait is not necessary and we can go ahead with the metadig data runs before indexing completes?

jeanetteclark commented 2 months ago

yes for sure not needed when we switch to filesystem access. For now I have a bit of a hack in the first check that runs in the suite that seems to be working ok, and is easily removed when we switch data access mechanisms

    data_pids <- NULL
    attempt <- 1
    while(is.null(data_pids) && attempt <=10) {
      attempt <- attempt + 1
      try(data_pids <- get_data_pids(sys@identifier, sys@authoritativeMemberNode))