NCEAS / metadig

Approaches and tools for Metadata Improvement and Guidance.
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Name for new MetaDIG component #87

Closed gothub closed 2 years ago

gothub commented 6 years ago

The new MetaDIG software component that is visualize [here] ( needs a name and a new github repo.

This is the component that generates quality reports and sends these reports to a DataONE member node for upload and indexing.

The current directory layout of my local Java development tree for this software is:

metadig_scheduler (maven project name)
- edu.ucsb.nceas.metadig.Controller (Java class that receives report generate requests and schedules workers to create the reports, then sends the reports to be indexed)
- edu.ucsb.nceas.metadig.Worker (Java class that creates quality reports)
- edu.ucsb.nceas.metadig.QueueEntry

this class structure may be subject to change if needed.

So, what is a reasonable, informative name for this component?

gothub commented 6 years ago

For simplicity, I'm just going to incorporate the new functionality into the existing repo, and refactor as necessary to accommodate the new classes, etc.