NCEAS / morpho

Morpho metadata editor
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The box selection of Geographic Coverage screen doesn't work #1051

Closed mbjones closed 4 months ago

mbjones commented 6 years ago

Author Name: Jing Tao (Jing Tao) Original Redmine Issue: 6410, Original Date: 2014-02-06

Hi Ben,

OK, got it!

One other issue that you may or may not be aware of: in the Geographic Coverage section you can choose box or point methods. Regardless of whether I choose box or point, it only allows me to put in points. So even if I put in four coordinates for bounding a location, it automatically fills in the other boxes (e.g. I put in 38.32 N and the box below is filled in with the same coordinates; when I try to alter it to be the southern boundary, it then changes the northern boundary in the box above; however, in the metadata, it identifies the coordinates of the box as N, S, E, and W, even though it only lets me enter N and W coordinates in the box).

Thank you for your help!

~ Kristina

Kristina Wolf Restoration Ecology Lab Ph.D. Student, Graduate Group in Ecology Department of Plant Sciences B.S. Animal Science, M.S. Soil Science (530) 750-9771