NCEAS / sasap-training

Training agendas and materials for open science tools for SASAP
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rrtools package #13

Closed cornejotux closed 6 years ago

cornejotux commented 6 years ago

In chapter 4, numeral 4.6, it give an example of using "rrtools" to organize a directory for a standard reproducible research structure. Nevertheless, "rrtools" is not on the packages to install in Numeral 3.6.

Should I add it to get it installed?

cornejotux commented 6 years ago


install.packages("rrtools") Installing package into ‘C:/Users/cornejo/Documents/R/win-library/3.5’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) Warning in install.packages : package ‘rrtools’ is not available (for R version 3.5.0)

cornejotux commented 6 years ago

It is in github:


cornejotux commented 6 years ago

Also, in windows this fails:


Error: 'sasap_training' is not a valid package name. It should: Contain only ASCII letters, numbers, and '.' Have at least two characters Start with a letter Not end with '.'

cornejotux commented 6 years ago

In my VM Windows: If I do "rrtools::use_compendium("sasaptraining")"

The commands fails and RStudio crashes.

jeanetteclark commented 6 years ago

uh oh. @amoeba if I'm correct, I don't think we ever got this far in the training. We sort of hand-waved this, but didn't live code it. The code ran fine for me. I would add the code to install this package in the chunk (remotes::install_github("benmarwick/rrtools"), but we should not include it as a pre-requisite

amoeba commented 6 years ago

that matches my recollection @jeanetteclark. Also might be good to encourage the use of the remotes package to install R packages from GitHub (and other places).

jeanetteclark commented 6 years ago

whats the advantage of remotes over devtools?

amoeba commented 6 years ago

remotes doesn't install any dependencies when installed whereas devtools take forever to install because it has some that are slow to install

amoeba commented 6 years ago

(so remotes installs fast)

jeanetteclark commented 6 years ago

updated training to include a commented out install call in that chunk