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EML Stylesheet problem with web address URL's #397

Open mbjones opened 7 years ago

mbjones commented 7 years ago

Author Name: Callie Bowdish (Callie Bowdish) Original Redmine Issue: 2147, Original Date: 2005-07-11 Original Assignee: Matt Jones

Data Set Description on the web for ID's like knb-lter-gce.77.8 to not link correctly to the Web Address such as listed under Metadata Provider(s). Is this a known problem - that the Data Set Descriptions Web Addresses do not direct right because the address reads an additional http into the URL? here is an example record from the KNB site knb-lter-gce.77.8

Callie - the links are adding the http:// in front of the urls which alreadt have http in them same is not true for Online Distribution Info anyway with the online Data Set Descriptions the Web links do not work for some of the records and this one in particular knb-lter-gce.77.8 an example is where the Metadata Provider(s): Web Address reads as but when you click on the link it tries to go to http://http// yep i will have to check the xml stylesheets eml stylesheets --- vero_lunch is now known as vero Callie - the extra http is hard coded each time into web addresses - i think the problem was that is we dont add http:// then it messes up the urls which dont have http in from e.g. a link like this will show up as yes, I've also seen problems with linking when just www is at the start of an address rathern than http://www The only thing I was thinking was insisting that when people enter in an address that it includes the http:// or other type of http2//: ect Maybe then we wouldn't need the http:// to be added?? --- jinglunch is now known as jing yes example of that would be https:// or ftp:// maybe you can add a bug regarding this in the eml bugzilla... if you do, specify that the bug is in eml stylesheets rather than in eml schema
mbjones commented 7 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Will Tyburczy (Will Tyburczy) Original Date: 2006-02-22T00:30:37Z

The problem seems to be limited to the online url section in eml-party.xsl, which currently places a hard-coded "http://" in front of the value supplied in the metadata when making the tag. Maybe we could check to see if there's a ':' in the value supplied to see if a protocol? Wouldn't work in all cases, but probably more than the current method.

mbjones commented 7 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Will Tyburczy (Will Tyburczy) Original Date: 2007-03-15T16:59:10Z

The stylesheet now checks for the string ':/' in the URL to determine whether or not the protocol is specified. If the string is matched, "http://" isn't placed in front to the URL for the link href.

mbjones commented 7 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Callie Bowdish (Callie Bowdish) Original Date: 2008-02-08T18:45:41Z

This bug was fixed with the last release of Metacat.

mbjones commented 7 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Callie Bowdish (Callie Bowdish) Original Date: 2008-05-20T21:39:28Z

It looks like the distribution URL could use the same fix as the other place that the web address is entered in. When a URL starts with www instead of http:// the link is changed to on the webpage

The html file that gets generated is correct but the browser adds the domain address to href="www ... " type of references. If they have "http://" such as href="http://www..." then the domain address is not added by the browser

If someone does not put the http:// as part of their address in the distribution URL we need to add it. Something like this documented fix will do that.

Here is the dp that has the problem and the section that doesn't work

Download File:
mbjones commented 7 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Margaret O'Brien (Margaret O'Brien) Original Date: 2008-10-01T19:25:32Z

these bugs are for stylesheet and documentation updates. changed to EML.2.1.0 priority 3, to be taken care of after changes to schema

mbjones commented 7 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Margaret O'Brien (Margaret O'Brien) Original Date: 2008-10-01T23:30:06Z

moving stylesheet bugs to P4 (after schema and documentation done)

mbjones commented 7 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Margaret O'Brien (Margaret O'Brien) Original Date: 2009-04-02T17:36:21Z

Open stylesheet bugs are now associated with EML's Utility component

mbjones commented 7 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Redmine Admin (Redmine Admin) Original Date: 2013-03-27T21:19:16Z

Original Bugzilla ID was 2147