I'd like to convert IMSindel output to VCF-like format.
VCF contains fields:
chr, start_pos, whateverID, ref_allel, alt_allel
and IMSindel only gives:
chr, sttpos, indel_str
How to determine ref_allel?
is it enough to make a trick:
samtools faidx ref.fa chr:sttpos-sttpossamtools faidx ref.fa 1:13657-13657
or maybe you could modify the code to output this :)
Hi, I'd like to convert IMSindel output to VCF-like format. VCF contains fields:
chr, start_pos, whateverID, ref_allel, alt_allel
and IMSindel only gives:chr, sttpos, indel_str
How to determine
?is it enough to make a trick:
samtools faidx ref.fa chr:sttpos-sttpos
samtools faidx ref.fa 1:13657-13657
or maybe you could modify the code to output this :)Thanks for advice!:) Damian