IMSindel: An accurate intermediate-size indel detection tool incorporating de novo assembly and gapped global-local alignment with split read analysis
MIT License
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warning: Insecure world writable dir #5

Closed thedam closed 4 years ago

thedam commented 6 years ago

Hi, I report some warning. Probably it's not important, however I'd feel better to know what does it mean:

samtools:       samtools
temp:   /tmp
thread: 1

>1. collecting indel related reads...
samtools view -F 1024 -f 2 /mnt/ssd_01/production/S400_1/54951AM/54951AM.bam X
/mnt/ssd_01/PROGRAMS/IMSindel/lib/ims_indel/sam_reader.rb:22: warning: Insecure world writable dir /mnt/ssd_01 in PATH, mode 040777


holrock commented 6 years ago

Hi, thanks for the report. That warning occurs to directory permission ( Please set permissoin 755 to /mnt/ssd_01 if you can (or ignore that)

thedam commented 6 years ago

This one I can't, but subdirs of this dir have full read/write permissions. Ok thanks.