Retroelement Protein Expression Atlas
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browse - table #38

Closed Nazrath10R closed 5 years ago

Nazrath10R commented 6 years ago

is it possible (effort) to change the dataset expanded view into an expansion with a scrollbar instead of a second pagination?

NCHlab commented 6 years ago

took a bit of time, but I have made the changes.

Default page size is 300 now, anything with more than 9 data samples, has a scroll bar

Limitations: max size of 400px has been added, which means if you want to see all rows expanded on main page, instead have to scroll within that 400px window. (I don't think this really is a big issue)

NCHlab commented 6 years ago

we can increase the size of the window to something a bit larger too.

NCHlab commented 6 years ago

made it so that if you change the pagination at all, it makes the whole table large without the scroll bar.

If they choose 300, it shows the scrollbar again

NCHlab commented 6 years ago

to do: possibly also add scrollbar to the variants section?

Nazrath10R commented 6 years ago

looks better in the pic. If there's a scroll bar we dont need the next buttons and pagination inside at all i guess

Nazrath10R commented 6 years ago

doubt we'd have THAT many variants in a single sample to require a scroll bar. Would be great as a result if there was though lol

NCHlab commented 6 years ago

Im leaving the pagination, as if they set size to 200 for example, it will display it larger like this:.

NCHlab commented 6 years ago

Also while working on the table, i've fixed the search for browse/tissuename

Will update server later today to reflect the changes

NCHlab commented 6 years ago

Server Updated, have a play around with the table, settings different page sizes

and also the search function on/browse/breast

Nazrath10R commented 6 years ago

I see what you did. Got mixed feelings. I like having it at 300 and different sizes. Perhaps could ask users what they think

NCHlab commented 6 years ago

They may want it all on one page.

So what options?

Option 1: leave at 300 and remove all pagination from that sub-table

or Option 2 (current): have multiple pagination options, 300 means all data + scrollable, while the rest simply displays all the data on the main page

NCHlab commented 6 years ago

without pagination

Nazrath10R commented 6 years ago

I am divided. I think option 1 is neater and option 2 offers more flexibility. Leave it at option 2 and we can get users to vote for their preference

NCHlab commented 6 years ago

Oh yeah, not sure if I mentioned it already, I fixed the search filter issue on /browse/breast earlier in the week

It doesn't mess up anymore.

NCHlab commented 6 years ago

full fuzzy searching has been implemented.

Server not updated yet.

Nazrath10R commented 6 years ago


NCHlab commented 6 years ago

Search fixed, now does a "contains" match