NCI-CGR / IlluminaSequencingAnalysis

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VCFClassification: need to sort both chromosome and position #28

Open lxwgcool opened 3 years ago

lxwgcool commented 3 years ago

Got another error:

ERROR MESSAGE: Input file must have contiguous chromosomes. Saw feature chr3:100000699-100000699 followed later by chr4:100002486-100002486 and then chr3:100002503-100002503, for input sourc 31 e: /mnt/nfs/gigantor/ifs/DCEG/Projects/Exome/builds/build_Osteosarcoma_2017_18794/20210127_reannotation/variant_classification/subset_vcf/OSTEOSARCOMA.genesOfInterest.rare.nonsyn.vcf


Need to sort both chromosome and position