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questions about NCIt terms #49

Open nicolevasilevsky opened 5 years ago

nicolevasilevsky commented 5 years ago

See related ticket: There are a number of terms in Mondo that we merge into one term, and I have some questions about some of them: (Note, in the first column is the mondo label, that merges the two DO terms in the subsequent columns)

mondo ID mondo label DO ID DO label DO ID DO label question
MONDO:0005008 colorectal adenocarcinoma DOID:0050861 colorectal adenocarcinoma DOID:0050913 large intestine adenocarcinoma these are synonyms in NCIt, but should these be two separate terms, as DO has them?
MONDO:0005484 colorectal adenoma DOID:0050860 colorectal adenoma DOID:0050914 large intestine adenoma these are synonyms in NCIt, but should these be separate terms?
MONDO:0005575 colorectal cancer DOID:5672 large intestine cancer DOID:9256 colorectal cancer these are synonyms in NCIt, but should these be separate terms?
MONDO:0016575 primary ciliary dyskinesia DOID:0050144 Kartagener syndrome DOID:9562 primary ciliary dyskinesia These are separate terms in NCIt, should these be merged?

cc @cmungall

fragosog commented 5 years ago

Hi @nicolevasilevsky , here's the response from the editors:

"Colorectal Adenocarcinoma, colorectal adenoma, colorectal Cancer are correct synonyms for large intestinal Adenocarcinoma, large intestinal adenoma, and large intestinal cancer, respectively.

On the issue of primary ciliary dysplasia and Kartagener syndrome, Kartagener syndrome is primary ciliary dysplasia WITH situs inversus. "