NCIOCPL / cgov-digital-platform-acceptance-tests

Behavioral Tests for Cgov Digital Platform
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CMS: Article Test #255

Closed alinai closed 1 year ago

alinai commented 2 years ago

As a cms user I want to be able to create an Article content type to promote Article


Acceptance Criteria

Feature: As a cms user I want to be able to create Article content type to promote Article

    Scenario: Verify all the fields on the Article content creation page
        Given user is navigating to "/user/login"
        When user enters credentials
        And user clicks "Log in" button
        Then user is logged in and the user name "admin" is displayed in the toolbar
        And the tool bar appears at the top
        When user clicks on "Content" tab
        And user clicks on "Add content" action button
        And user clicks on "Article" content type
        Then page title is "Create Article"
        And "Add Body Section" button is displayed
        And today date is displayed for the following fields
            | date          |
            | Posted Date   |
            | Updated Date  |
            | Reviewed Date |
        And Date Display Mode has the following checkboxes
            | checkbox      |
            | Posted Date   |
            | Reviewed Date |
            | Updated Date  |
        And Public Use Text dropdown is displayed with the following options
            | option         |
            | Display        |
            | Do Not Display |
        And Search Engine Restrictions dropdown has default value "IncludeSearch"
        And Related Resources dropdown is displayed with the following options
            | option            |
            | Add Internal Link |
            | Add External Link |
            | Add Media Link    |
        And "Add Citation" button is displayed

    Scenario: User is adding new article content type
        Given user is navigating to "/user/login"
        When user enters credentials
        And user clicks "Log in" button
        Then user is logged in and the user name "admin" is displayed in the toolbar
        And the tool bar appears at the top
        When user clicks on "Content" tab
        And user clicks on "Add content" button
        And user clicks on "Article" content type
        Then page title is "Create Article"
        When user selects test site section
        And user fills out the following fields
            | fieldLabel               | value                                      | field_name                     |
            | Pretty URL               | test-article                               | field_pretty_url               |
            | Page Title               | Automated Test Article                     | title                          |
            | Browser Title            | Automated Test Article - Browser Title     | field_browser_title            |
            | Card Title               | Automated Test Article - Card Title        | field_card_title               |
            | Meta Description         | Automated Article Meta Description         | field_page_description         |
            | Feature Card Description | Automated Test Article - Feature Card Desc | field_feature_card_description |
        And user enters "Article List Description" into "List Description" text field
        And user enters "Article Intro Text" as intro text
        And user enters "Article Heading1" as 1 body section heading
        And user fills out 1 "Body" text area with "This is a description of article content type under heading1."
        And user selects 1 Lead Image from the list of images
        And user remembers the source of selected lead image for further verification
        And user selects 2 Promotional Image from the list of images
        And user remembers the source of selected promo image for further verification
        And user selects "Posted Date" checkbox
        And user selects "Reviewed Date" checkbox
        And user selects "Updated Date" checkbox
        And user selects "Display" from "Public Use Text" dropdown
        And user selects "Published" from "Save as" dropdown
        Then user saves the content page

    Scenario: Verify newly created content
        Given user is navigating to the front end site with path site section plus "test-article"
        Then page title is "Automated Test Article"
        And "Updated" date is displaying today's date
        And intro text reads "Article Intro Text"
        And 1 section heading reads "Article Heading1"
        And 1 description reads "This is a description of article content type under heading1."
        And the lead image is matching the earlier selected image
        And public use text has a link "Reuse of NCI Information" with href "/policies/copyright-reuse"
        And "On This Page" section is not displayed
        And the page contains meta tags with the following names
            | name        | content                            |
            | description | Automated Article Meta Description |

    Scenario: Verify Related resources functionality
        Given user is navigating to "/user/login"
        When user enters credentials
        And user clicks "Log in" button
        Then user is logged in and the user name "admin" is displayed in the toolbar
        And the tool bar appears at the top
        When user clicks on "Content" tab
        And user clicks on title with url "test-article" from the list of content
        And user clicks on the tool bar status green button "Published"
        And user clicks "View in edit form" button from other actions
        And user clicks on dropdown button toggle to view all Related Resources types
        And user selects "Add Internal Link" related resource item
        Then "Internal Link" section appears
        And user clicks on "Link" button to link to a resource
        And user clicks on "Select content" to choose a resource to link
        And user selects "Article to test Related Resources" item from the list
        And user clicks on "Select content" button to select item
        And "Article to test Related Resources" had been selected
        And user clicks on dropdown button toggle to view all Related Resources types
        And user selects "Add External Link" related resource item
        Then "External Link" section appears
        And user fills out the following fields
            | fieldLabel | value                   | field_name                                                |
            | Link       | | field_related_resources[1][subform][field_external_link]  |
            | Title      | Google Link             | field_related_resources[1][subform][field_override_title] |
        And user clicks on dropdown button toggle to view all Related Resources types
        And user selects "Add Media Link" related resource item
        Then "Media Link" section appears
        And user clicks on "Link" button to link to a media
        And user clicks on "Select media" to choose a resource to link
        And user enters "Test File for Related Resources" into media title search box and clicks "Apply"
        And user selects "Test File for Related Resources" item from the media list
        And user clicks on "Select media" button to select media
        And "Test File for Related Resources" had been selected
        And user fills out the following fields
            | fieldLabel     | value                     | field_name                                                          |
            | Override Title | Media Link Override Title | field_related_resources[2][subform][field_override_title][0][value] |
        When user saves the content page
        And user clicks on the tool bar status red button "Editing"
        And user selects "Quick Publish" from workflow actions

    Scenario: Edit and republish article content type
        Given user is navigating to "/user/login"
        When user enters credentials
        And user clicks "Log in" button
        Then user is logged in and the user name "admin" is displayed in the toolbar
        And the tool bar appears at the top
        When user clicks on "Content" tab
        And user clicks on title "Automated Test Article" from the list of content
        And user clicks on the tool bar status green button "Published"
        And user clicks "View in edit form" button from other actions
        And user clears out "Pretty URL" field
        And user clears out "Page Title " field
        And user clears out "Meta Description" field
        And user clears out "Feature Card Description" field
        And user clears out "Card Title" field
        And user fills out the following fields
            | fieldLabel               | value                                             | field_name                     |
            | Pretty URL               | test-article-edited                               | field_pretty_url               |
            | Page Title               | Automated Test Article Edited                     | title                          |
            | Card Title               | Automated Test Article - Card Title Edited        | field_card_title               |
            | Meta Description         | Automated Test Article Meta Description Edited    | field_page_description         |
            | Feature Card Description | Automated Test Article - Feature Card Desc Edited | field_feature_card_description |
        And user clicks on "Add Body Section" to add a body section
        And user enters "Article Heading2" as 2 body section heading
        And user fills out 2 "Body" text area with "This is a description of article content type under heading2."
        And user removes the Lead Image
        And user selects 2 Lead Image from the list of images
        And user remembers the source of selected lead image for further verification
        And user selects 3 Promotional Image from the list of images
        And user remembers the source of selected promo image for further verification
        And user selects "Do Not Display" from "Public Use Text" dropdown
        When user saves the content page
        And user clicks on the tool bar status green button "Editing"
        And user selects "Quick Publish" from workflow actions

    Scenario: Verify edited content
        Given user is navigating to the front end site with path site section plus "test-article-edited"
        Then page title is "Automated Test Article Edited"
        And the lead image is matching the earlier selected image
        And "On This Page" section is displayed with the following anchor links
            | title            | href              |
            | Article Heading1 | #article-heading1 |
            | Article Heading2 | #article-heading2 |
        And 1 section heading reads "Article Heading1"
        And 1 description reads "This is a description of article content type under heading1."
        And 2 section heading reads "Article Heading2"
        And 2 description reads "This is a description of article content type under heading2."
        And public use text is not displayed
        And the page contains meta tags with the following names
            | name        | content                                        |
            | description | Automated Test Article Meta Description Edited |
        Then Related Resources section contains the following links
            | title                             | link                          |
            | Article to test Related Resources | {TEST_SITE_SECTION}/article   |
            | Google Link                       |       |
            | Media Link Override Title         | {TEST_SITE_SECTION}/test-file |

    Scenario: Clean up
        Given user is navigating to "/user/login"
        When user enters credentials
        And user clicks "Log in" button
        Then user is logged in and the user name "admin" is displayed in the toolbar
        And the tool bar appears at the top
        When user clicks on "Content" tab
        And user selects a checkbox next to title with url "test-article-edited" from the list of content
        And user clicks on "Apply to selected items" action button
        Then the page title is "Are you sure you want to delete this content item?"
        When user clicks on "Delete" button
        Then the text "Deleted 1 content item." appears on a screen
        And the content item with url "test-article-edited" does not exist in the list of content



Some complementary notes if necessary:




Technical Notes

KateMashkinaNIH commented 1 year ago

this is merged