[x] 26.Verify that on switching the toggle to "Yes" for the Location input box, the following radio buttons appear:
Search All Locations
ZIP Code
Country, State, City
[x] 27.Verify that on selecting the ZIP Code radio button, the following input box and the drop-down appears:
U.S. ZIP Code (input box)
Radius (drop-down)
[x] 29.Verify that when user inputs U.S. ZIP Code as '99999' and '00000' and clicks Find Trials button, following error message is displayed: "Please enter a valid 5 digit U.S. zip code"
[x] 30.Verify when the user enters "abcd" in the U.S. ZIP Code input box and clicks Find Trials button, the following error message is displayed "Please enter a valid 5 digit U.S. zip code.."
[x] 31.Verify when the user enters "1234" in the U.S. ZIP Code input box and clicks Find Trials button, the following error message is displayed "Please enter a valid 5 digit U.S. zip code.."
[x] Verify that when user enter zip code and select the radius from the 'Radius' drop-down and click Find Trials button, correct results are displayed.
[x] 32.Verify that the user is able to select the radius from the 'Radius' drop-down.
[x] 33. Verify that on selecting 'Country, State, City' radio button, the following are displayed:
Country - which should appear as drop-down
State-which should appear as a multi-select box
City-which should display as input box
[x] 34.Verify that in the Country drop-down, "United States" appears by default
[x] 35.Verify that the user is able to select values from the Country drop-down.
[x] 36.Verify that the user is able to enter multiple state in the 'State' multi-select input box
[x] 37.Verify that when the user types a letter (for example 'p') the State starting with the letter 'P' shows up in the auto-suggest list
[x] 39. Verify that the user is able to enter the name of a city in the 'City' input box.
[x] 40.Verify that on selecting Hospitals/Institutions radio button an auto complete input box is displayed
[x] 42.Verify that the text "Please enter 3 or more characters" appears on clicking the 'Hospitals/Institutions' autocomplete input box
[x] 43.Verify that the user is able to select the radio button 'At NIH (only show trials at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, MD)
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Tests Covered:
Depends on Issue #<95>