NCIOCPL / cgov-digital-platform

The Digital Communications Platform
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When creating/saving a new Spanish page (no English translation), users are redirected to the english node #1853

Open VictoriaSunNIH opened 5 years ago

VictoriaSunNIH commented 5 years ago

Labelling this as low priority because this is dependent on a larger workflow conversation (and is not a common use case for the site at the moment).

Expected Behavior: TBD on a larger conversation with what we want to do with workflow (when a user saves a page, where should they get redirected?)

Steps to recreate: 1) Create an article content type, and select "Spanish" under language 2) Fill in all required fields, and click "Save" (in any workflow state - draft, review, published - it doesn't matter). 3) Note that you are taken to a "page not found" english node URL with a spanish toggle 4) when you click the toggle, you then see (with current behavior, we would expect to be taken to the spanish URL, and not to the page not found english URL first) image

andyvanavery31 commented 3 months ago

@blairlearn to investigate if there is a related Drupal ticket.

blairlearn commented 3 months ago

This is possibly related to these two items:

The url is created, but results in a redirect to /node/12345 instead of /espanol/node/12345