[x] Designer uses the Customizing the Favicon workflow to make all instances of the Favicon
[x] Acceptance Criteria Drafted
[x] Acceptance Criteria Reviewed
[x] Developer Review
[x] QA Review
[x] Acceptance Criteria Approved
[x] Developer Approval
[x] QA Approval
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario: An individual on the internet sees the favicon branding for PCP
Given the user is on a browser
And they have conducted a search on their preferred search engine for "presidential cancer panel"
When the user searches for "presidential cancer panel"
Then the favicon in the search results for the PCP page will show the new favicon
When the user goes to the PCP page
Then the new favicon will appear in the tab of the browser
As a owner of the PCP site, I want a custom favicon, so that visitors can recognize our branding when searching for our content.
DoR Tasks
Acceptance Criteria