NCIOCPL / clinical-trials-search-app

Clinical Trial Search Front-end
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Make print URLs configurable #618

Closed sarinapadilla closed 7 months ago

sarinapadilla commented 8 months ago

Issue description

Currently, the new search URLs passed to the print service are hardcoded. We need to make these configurable now that CTS has changed locations.


What's the expected change?

What's the current functionality?

What's the updated acceptance criteria?

Scenario Outline: as a user, I should be able to select a trial and print it from basic search results
  Given screen breakpoint is set to "<breakpoint>"
    And the user navigates to "/r?loc=0&rl=1&a=39"
  Then the page title is "Clinical Trials Search Results"
    And result list is displayed
  When user checks "NCI-2014-01507" trial
    And user clicks on "Print Selected" button
  Then the request is sent with the following trial ids
      | trialId        |
      | NCI-2014-01507 |
  And the request is sent with the following details
      | link_template                                                                | new_search_link                              | search_criteria |
      | /research/participate/clinical-trials-search/v?a=39&loc=0&rl=1&id=<TRIAL_ID> | /research/participate/clinical-trials-search | notNull         |
    And the page title is "CTS.Print/Display"
Scenario Outline: as a user, I should be able to select a trial and print it from advanced search results
  Given screen breakpoint is set to "<breakpoint>"
    And the user navigates to "/r?loc=0&rl=2&a=39"
  Then the page title is "Clinical Trials Search Results"
    And result list is displayed
  When user checks "NCI-2014-01507" trial
    And user clicks on "Print Selected" button
  Then the request is sent with the following trial ids
      | trialId        |
      | NCI-2014-01507 |
  And the request is sent with the following details
      | link_template                                                                | new_search_link                                       | search_criteria |
      | /research/participate/clinical-trials-search/v?a=39&loc=0&rl=1&id=<TRIAL_ID> | /research/participate/clinical-trials-search/advanced | notNull         |
    And the page title is "CTS.Print/Display"