NCIOCPL / ncids

NCI Design System
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Enabler: Automatically Publish ncids.js to CDN #15

Open bryanpizzillo opened 3 years ago

bryanpizzillo commented 3 years ago

Automatically Publish ncids.js to CDN

This task is to create the Github Actions to publish the dist/ncids-js.min.css and dist/ncids-js.min.js from the nci-js package. This should be:

  1. Initiated when a Github release is created, AND
  2. Published to the netstorage location that is where the CDN is pointing to. Location TBD, AND
  3. The published files should have the version number as part of the file name, e.g. ncids-js-v1.2.3.js/css or similar. (I would find out what most major libraries do, and copy that format)

ESTIMATE 3 story points




Netstorage Publishing is done for react apps, but is a little clunky.

meglake commented 2 years ago

On hold, not priority for MVP 1 launch.