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NCI Design System
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Research Plan: Search Results Page Following MVP1 #967

Open laurelthrash opened 1 year ago

laurelthrash commented 1 year ago

Description: We pulled analytics in April 2023 following the MVP1 launch. From that data, we noticed a decrease in clickthrough rate on the search results page after the launch, though that rate was already low. One potential solution is to continue to understand and seek to improve the click rate on the search results page. This ticket is a placeholder for when the team is ready to conduct this further research. Timing of further research should consider when/where this is prioritized within the redesign project. Consider connecting this with UX Research Week.


Phase 1: Prep and Execution

  1. Determine Testing Vehicle
  2. Create Plan
  3. Recruit for Study

Phase 2: Analysis and Report Delivery

  1. Launch Study
  2. Analyze and Report


1. Determine Testing Vehicle

2. Create Plan

3. Recruit for Study

4. Launch Study

5. Analyze and Report


Plan Details

What do you want to learn from this research?

User / Audience


laurelthrash commented 1 year ago

Updated the description of this ticket to replace existing "Driver" with the correct information.

andyvanavery31 commented 3 months ago

Move to Digital Platform because this is out of scope for Redesign.