As a user, I would like the option to display more search results on the results page, so I can browse through more pages at a time.
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario: English option to display 20 or 50 results
Given user navigates to "/?swKeyword=cancer"
Then the system returns the results page for cancer
Then the results are displayed
Then below the last result on the page, a dropdown box appears, allowing users to choose between 20 or 50 results displayed per page
And the text “Show” appears before the dropdown box
And the dropdown box defaults to 20
And the text “results per page.” appears after the dropdown box.a pager is displayed at the bottom of the search results listing
And the option appears on the same line as the pager
When the user selects “50” from the dropdown box
Then the page refreshes and displays 50 results
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Scenario: Spanish option to display 20 or 50 results
Given language is set to “es”
Given user navigates to "/?swKeyword=cancer"
Then the system returns the results page for cancer
Then the results are displayed
Then below the last result on the page, a dropdown box appears, allowing users to choose between 20 or 50 results displayed per page
And the text “Mostrar” appears before the dropdown box
And the dropdown box defaults to 20
And the text “resultados por página..” appears after the dropdown box.a pager is displayed at the bottom of the search results listing
And the option appears on the same line as the pager
When the user selects “50” from the dropdown box
Then the page refreshes and displays 50 results
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Scenario: Analytics [TBD - @bryanpizzillo to add details here if needed]
Feature: JIRA Ticket #
Mockups: Here goes a URL to or the name of the mockup(s) in inVision
As a user, I would like the option to display more search results on the results page, so I can browse through more pages at a time.
Acceptance Criteria
An example of a search term that only has 13 results - pomegranate juice
Technical Notes