NCRCounterpointAPI / APIGuide

Repository for NCR Counterpoint API Documentation
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Seeing all tax values from E-Commerce come through as return values #119

Open ckswallace opened 6 years ago

ckswallace commented 6 years ago

We just upgraded from to 8.5.4 (and updated the API). We are seeing all tax values from E-Commerce come through as return values. In Order Mgmt, we see the correct value for the tax amount (we see the same in the data tables) however, in TSTE we see the tax amounts as zero. We looked over the call statements and they seem to be correct. Just to add the full payment is authorizing for the correct grand total. We don’t get the same behavior if we enter the order in via TSTE. This was working prior to the upgrade. Thoughts or suggestions are welcomed.

MikeRitchie commented 6 years ago

Hello, Can you please provide a sample of the API call (from postman if possible) that includes header & body, along with the result and an indication of what specific data fields you are seeing that are incorrect.

Thank you, MIke

ckswallace commented 6 years ago

Hello, Mike.

Here is what you requested. Some of the entries have been asterisked out to protect the data.

I will paste the details of one of the calls below. I started with the postman test cases from the NCR git site. I have done a lot of test iterations and none of them have resulted in sales tax showing as expected in the UI. Regarding your question about data fields, my goal is to process orders through the UI. We are able to submit an order successfully, but if there is non-zero sales tax involved, then the order is out of balance in the UI. I am not sure what data fields need to be written. Some tax data is being inserted into the database, but the values are not showing in the UI. Please let me know if I can assist in any way.

Here is what is in the header

Here is the body



"STR_ID": "{{STR_ID}}",

"STA_ID": "{{STA_ID}}",

"DRW_ID": "{{DRW_ID}}",

"TKT_TYP": "T",

"DOC_TYP": "O",

"USR_ID": "{{USR_ID}}",

"TAX_COD": "ME***H",




"CUST_NO": "7-1#####",

"BILL_TO_CONTACT": {"NAM":"John Doe", "FST_NAM": "No","LST_NAM":

"Charge","ADRS_1": "1234 Test St","CITY": "Huntsville","ZIP_COD": "35801","STATE": "AL","PHONE_1": "","NAM_TYP": "P"},

            "SHIP_TO_CONTACT": {"NAM":"John Doe", "FST_NAM":

"No","LST_NAM": "Charge","ADRS_1": "1234 Test St.","CITY": "Loganville","ZIP_COD": "30052","STATE": "GA","PHONE_1": "##########","NAM_TYP": "P"},



    "NOTE_ID": "Testing",

    "NOTE": "061818-7"





    "LIN_TYP": "O","ITEM_NO": "M-10####","PRC": "129.95","QTY_SOLD":





            {"TOT_TYP": "O","MISC_CHRG_NO": "1","MISC_TYP":

"A","MISC_AMT": "10.00"}




    "AMT": "150.35",


    "DESC": "web order",

    "FINAL_PMT": "N",



      "AMT": "150.35",

      "HOME_CURNCY_AMT": "150.35",

      "EXCH_LOSS": "0",

      "APPL_TYP": "O"






    "AUTH_COD": "ME***H",

    "RUL_COD": "ME***H",


    "TAX_DOC_PART": "O",

    "LIN_AMT": "129.95",

    "TXBL_LIN_AMT": "129.95",

    "TXBL_QTY": "1.00",

    "TAX_AMT": "10.40",

    "TOT_TXBL_AMT": "129.95"




"PS_TAX": {

"SAL_NORM_TAX_AMT": "10.40",

"SAL_TAX_AMT": "10.40"



Here is the response


"Documents": [


        "DOC_ID": 429637169302423,

        "reference": "Ticket",

        "Link": {

            "uri": "


            "method": "get"


        "PaymentResponses": [


                "PMT_SEQ_NO": 1,

                "Response": "ACCEPTED"





        "DOC_ID": 429637169076509,

        "reference": "Order",

        "Link": {

            "uri": "https://cpoint.***.com:####/Document/429637169076509


            "method": "get"


        "PaymentResponses": []



"ErrorCode": "SUCCESS"


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