NCRN / ForestVeg

Front end application for NCRN Forest Vegetation Access database.
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Add a toggle to show and hide trees we won't sample in the Un-sampled tag dropdown #123

Closed johnpauls closed 4 years ago

johnpauls commented 5 years ago

It would be nice if there was a checkbox or something similar for trees and saplings to toggle tags. When unchecked (default) the unsampled tags drop-downs would only show tags we expect to sample - living trees and saplings and snags. When the box is checked, the dropdown would expand to include all unsampled tags associated with the plot. This would generally keep the unsampled list short, but would allow the field crew to deal with reanimated trees, long missing tags that are found etc.

blcampbell commented 5 years ago

Notes on enhancement:

@abrolis, @johnpauls please review to make sure this matches your expectation of behavior.

johnpauls commented 5 years ago

That sounds good to me.

blcampbell commented 5 years ago

Reviewing the current version of unsampled tag dropdowns indicates the following:

@johnpauls, @abrolis Does this address the need? Or is the issue more that the lists as is are too long with RIO and inactive statuses?

johnpauls commented 5 years ago

I think it would be best if the RIO and inactive tags were not displayed unless they were specifically asked for.

I also think that the current order for the tress is better than that for the saplings - you generally want the saplings and not the RIO / inactives.

blcampbell commented 5 years ago

Upcoming functionality will appear like so in both tree & sapling tabs:

The default view is as below with the dropdowns populated based on which tab is active.


Hovering over the toggle button changes the button background color to green but only while the cursor is over the button, though no other action is taken.

Once toggled (clicked), the button stays red indicating the list is now swapped to non-trees/saplings. This list will include all tags other than trees and saplings.


The user can toggle between the two at will and the list will refresh.

Once the functionality is released, this issue will close.