NCRN / ForestVeg

Front end application for NCRN Forest Vegetation Access database.
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CWD exports incorrectly #138

Closed johnpauls closed 3 years ago

johnpauls commented 4 years ago

The CWD.csv file that is exported is incorrect. It should be exporting one line for each Year X Plot X Species X Decay Class combo with the total volume for that group. Instead it is exporting one line for each piece of cwd, but the volume seems to be the total volume for all pieces from that Year-Plot-Species-Decay Class.

blcampbell commented 4 years ago

Is this the Advanced Summary export from "Export All Data"?

The CWD.csv exported from it contains CWD diameter vs, volume.

Should this then be the total diameter across the group (year-plot-species-decayclass)?

So rather than embedding the volume calculation (SOP 10 p 1), it exports the aggregated diameter data that feeds that calculation?

johnpauls commented 3 years ago

I now think the export as it currently stands is a better way to deal with this data, so this issue can be closed as far as I am concerned.