NCRN / ForestVeg

Front end application for NCRN Forest Vegetation Access database.
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What to do with an old dropped tag that is not in dB? Use it for a new add on sapling or RIO? #169

Open abrolis opened 4 years ago

abrolis commented 4 years ago

Tag # 21798 appears to be from MANA 0218 that was monitored in 2016. It is the first tag in a long string of olive shrubs that were added in 2016 but no record exists for this tag. Perhaps a dropped tag during add-ons? Should it be RIO or used for a new add on if there is no record of its existence?

johnpauls commented 4 years ago

You think this tag was never used - but just got skipped when doing add-ons? If so, use it. Or do you think this was used but now we have no record of it? Was this lumped in with the RIO tags?

abrolis commented 4 years ago

I'm thinking it was never used. The only reason I'm hesitant to use it is that if there is ever any issue with it in the future, it may be hard decipher what plot it was used in because it will not be in series. If you don't think that's a problem then we'll use it next year.