NCRN / ForestVeg

Front end application for NCRN Forest Vegetation Access database.
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Retroactively add an event to 2010 to deal with NACE-0490 #58

Open johnpauls opened 6 years ago

johnpauls commented 6 years ago

So, in 2006 Plot NACE-0490 in PISC was monitored. At that time the plot was an open field in early stages of succession - there we no trees, microplot 60 had no saplings and the other 2 microplots had a total of 15 Diospyros virginiana (persimmon) saplings, all with DBH from 1-2.5 cm. As noted in the plot setup notes, on 1/7/2008 the plot was revisited, and it was noted that the field had been cleared and all of the saplings were gone. I cannot figure out, by the way, why someone stopped by in Jan of 2008.

On 8/11/2010 it was noted that NACE had confirmed that the field was going to be cut annually. This meant it was no longer eligible for forest monitoring, so the plot was dropped and replaced by CHOH-1147 .

In the summer of 2017 we realized that the field was apparently no longer being cut and a site visit confirmed that a forest had regrown. Therefore the plot was reestablished and monitored in 2018.

We never did a monitoring event in 2010, so the database naturally expected us to re-monitor the saplings that were present in 2006. We did not enter any data for these tags at that time. It would be more accurate to do an additional event, maybe dated 8/11/2010 and call all the saplings dead- human action for that event. That will allow our data to more accurately reflect the sequence of events.

lizmatthews03 commented 5 years ago

Liz has entered an event (currently dated 02/13/2019) in Db. Event date should be updated to 8/11/2010 (as noted in issue above).

All saplings that were present in 2006 have a status of "Dead- Human Action" at this event.

blcampbell commented 4 years ago

Cumulative master database contains only the 6/29/2006 and 5/17/2018 events. The 2/13/2019 NACE-0490 event is not present to change to 8/11/2010.