NCRN / ForestVeg

Front end application for NCRN Forest Vegetation Access database.
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Automate Sapling to Tree & Tree to Sapling Conversion #98

Open blcampbell opened 5 years ago

blcampbell commented 5 years ago

Consider adding administrative functionality to make this conversion from within the application.

Functionality When the application is placed in an administrative mode, a button for conversion appears on the page for a given sapling or tree record. When clicked, the button:

  1. Captures the Tree/Sapling Data_ID, Event_ID, and Tag_ID
  2. Copies the data from Tree>Sapling (or vice versa) for the following: a) tbl_Tree_Data > tbl_Sapling_Data b) tbl_Tree_DBH > tbl_Sapling_DBH c) tbl_Tree_Foliage_Conditions > tbl_Sapling_Foliage_Conditions d) tbl_Tree_Conditions > tbl_Sapling_Conditions e) tbl_Tree_Vines > tbl_Sapling_Vines Data that is not common or similar between the two tables (Tree vs. Sapling) would be dropped.
  3. Deletes the Tree (or Sapling) record for each of the tables in 2. above
  4. Takes the user to the new Sapling (or Tree) record within the same event

By automating the process for handling these inadvertent records, it removes a time consuming cleanup process for each instance replacing it by a single click after the user has identified the error.

If feasible, the user should be presented with the list of records that will be converted so that errors can be avoided.