NCSU-Libraries / data-science-cookbook

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Pandas Timestamps and filtering #7

Closed eternalscholar closed 3 years ago

eternalscholar commented 3 years ago

Here is a Colab notebook for timestamp-based filtering of Pandas data frames. The code includes converting specific columns in pandas data frame to "datetime" type. This is a code snippet that I used to help a patron last semester.

Colab Notebook: Data:

mikenutt commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this @eternalscholar! Could you create a branch for this Notebook? I'd also like code for the cookbook to be written in a "literate programming" style with human-readable text that describes what's happening in the code. Here's an example that might be interesting to you: We might also want to copy the sample data to the repository so that it doesn't depend on your Google Drive link.