NDAR / nda-tools

Python package for interacting with NDA web services. Used to validate, submit, and download data to and from NDA.
MIT License
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Trouble downloading file #55

Closed coreyjr2 closed 7 months ago

coreyjr2 commented 1 year ago


I am trying download files from the NDA, and when using a fresh conda python environment with only nda-tools and secretstorage installed, along with their dependencies. When I attempt to use downloadcmd and a S3 link, it gives the following error message:

downloadcmd s3://NDAR_Central_1/submission_XXXXX/NDARXXXXXX_baselineYear1Arm1_ABCD-SST-fMRI_XXXXXXXXXX.tgz
Running NDATools Version 0.2.21
Warning: Detected non-empty value for "password" in settings.cfg. Support for this setting has been deprecated and will no longer be used by this tool. Password storage is not recommended for security considerations
-u/--username argument not provided. Using default value of 'XXXXX' which was saved in /home/XXXXX/.NDATools/settings.cfg
Enter your NIMH Data Archives password:

No value specified for --workerThreads. Using the default option of 71
Important - You can configure the thread count setting using the --workerThreads argument to maximize your download speed.

Getting Package Information...

An unexpected error was encountered and the program could not continue. Error message from service was: 
Failed to convert value of type 'java.lang.String' to required type 'java.lang.Long'; nested exception is java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "None"

Exit signal received, shutting down...

Any assistance you may be able to provide in the manner would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

gregmagdits commented 1 year ago

Hi Corey, The -dp argument from your command and is required for the program to work. The value of the -dp argument should be the package-id that contains the file you want to download. For example

downloadcmd -dp 1234567 s3://NDAR_Central_1/submission_XXXXX/NDARXXXXXX_baselineYear1Arm1_ABCD-SST-fMRI_XXXXXXXXXX.tgz

You can find the package-id on the package's dashboard on the website.

coreyjr2 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the reply! I tried again using the the -dp flag, and while the output generated by this command seems to be working, the file does not appear downloaded to the directory that I am specifying.

downloadcmd -dp XXXXXXX -d '/path/to/file/' --file-regex 's3://NDAR_Central_1/submission_13124.0/NDARINVXXXXXXX_subject_image.tgz'
Running NDATools Version 0.2.21
-u/--username argument not provided. Using default value of 'XXXXXX' which was saved in /home/username/.NDATools/settings.cfg

No value specified for --workerThreads. Using the default option of 71
Important - You can configure the thread count setting using the --workerThreads argument to maximize your download speed.

Getting Package Information...

Package-id: XXXXXXX
Name: name_of_package
Has associated files?: No
Number of files in package: 63
Total Package Size: 797.26MB

Downloading files from package XXXXXXX matching regex s3://NDAR_Central_1/submission_13124.0/NDARINV_subject_image.tgz

S3 links for files that failed to download will be written out to /home/username/NDA/nda-tools/downloadcmd/logs/failed_s3_links_file_20221216T132727.txt. You can attempt to download these files later by running: 
    downloadcmd -dp XXXXXX --file-regex s3://NDAR_Central_1/submission_13124.0/NDARINVXXXXXXX_subject_image.tgz -u username -d /path/to/file -wt 71 -t "/home/username/NDA/nda-tools/downloadcmd/logs/failed_s3_links_file_20221216T132727.txt"

Beginning download of files from package matching s3://NDAR_Central_1/submission_13124.0/NDARINVXXXXXXX_subject_image.tgz using 71 threads
No failures detected. Removing file /home/username/NDA/nda-tools/downloadcmd/logs/failed_s3_links_file_20221216T132727.txt

Finished processing all download requests @ 2022-12-16 13:27:35.090241.
     Total download requests 0
     Total errors encountered: 0

 Exiting Program...

If you may have any insight into errors I may have made in the code, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you kindly for your assistance!

gregmagdits commented 1 year ago

The path of the file looks incorrect. Specifically s3://NDAR_Central_1/submission_13124.0/ should probably be s3://NDAR_Central_1/submission_13124/

If you use the --file-regex argument, you shouldn't need to provide the absolute path to the file. Are you able to get the file you are looking for by running

downloadcmd -dp XXXXXXX -d '/path/to/file/' --file-regex NDARINVXXXXXXX_subject_image


coreyjr2 commented 1 year ago

Thank you! It did seem to be an issue with the path to S3, however when I run as suggested it doesn't seem to download:

downloadcmd -dp packageid -d 'path/to/file' --file-regex 'NDARINVXXXXXX_subject_image'
Running NDATools Version 0.2.21
-u/--username argument not provided. Using default value of 'username' which was saved in /home/username/.NDATools/settings.cfg

No value specified for --workerThreads. Using the default option of 71
Important - You can configure the thread count setting using the --workerThreads argument to maximize your download speed.

Getting Package Information...

Package-id: packageid
Name: package
Has associated files?: No
Number of files in package: 63
Total Package Size: 797.26MB

Downloading files from package packageid matching regex NDARINVXXXXXX_subject_image

S3 links for files that failed to download will be written out to /home/username/NDA/nda-tools/downloadcmd/logs/failed_s3_links_file_20221220T122745.txt. You can attempt to download these files later by running: 
    downloadcmd -dp 1207804 --file-regex NDARINVXXXXXX_subject_image -u username-d /path/to/file -wt 71 -t "/home/username/NDA/nda-tools/downloadcmd/logs/failed_s3_links_file_20221220T122745.txt"

Beginning download of files from package matching NDARINVXXXXXX_subject_image using 71 threads
No failures detected. Removing file /home/usernamej/NDA/nda-tools/downloadcmd/logs/failed_s3_links_file_20221220T122745.txt

Finished processing all download requests @ 2022-12-20 12:27:52.671870.
     Total download requests 0
     Total errors encountered: 0

 Exiting Program...

Thank you for your continued support and consideration! Sorry for the continued trouble

gregmagdits commented 1 year ago

Hi Corey, I dont see any files in that package that match the regex '_subject_image'. It looks like the option to 'include associated files' was not selected at the time of package creation, so the only files in your package are the data-structure files (the .txt files) and some meta-data files. If you want to download the imaging data, you will need to re-create the package and make sure you select the option to 'include associated files'. This option shows up on the same popup where you enter the name of the package.
