NDAR / nda-tools

Python package for interacting with NDA web services. Used to validate, submit, and download data to and from NDA.
MIT License
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Unexpected Error: None when trying to submit #76

Closed jodahoney closed 7 months ago

jodahoney commented 9 months ago

When trying to submit and resubmit a package, I get the following error (removed full package UUID and file path for file submission).

What does a None error indicate?

Building submission package.
Package built w/ UUID: $abdf3...
Submitting files in:

An unexpected error was encountered and the program could not continue. Error message from service was:

Exit signal received, shutting down...
gregmagdits commented 7 months ago

This is old, but replying in case this helps anyone in the future who sees a similar error.

This indicates that there was an unexpected error during one of the submission steps. In situations like this you need to email ndahelp@mail.nih.gov which opens a support ticket.