NDAR / nda-tools

Python package for interacting with NDA web services. Used to validate, submit, and download data to and from NDA.
MIT License
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vtcmd dialogue displays incorrect path to warning output file #85

Closed raygon closed 7 months ago

raygon commented 8 months ago

This is comically low-priority but the validation dialogue shows an incorrect path to the warnings file. Specifically, it points to the same location as the validation file, as in the example output fragment below.

Running NDATools Version 0.2.25
2023-11-17 09:55:38,368:INFO:vtcmd:140515951391360:
Validating files...
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:02<00:00,  2.02s/it]
2023-11-17 09:55:40,389:INFO:Validation:140515951391360:Validation report output to: /home/rgonzalez4/NDA/nda-tools/vtcmd/validation_results/validation_results_20231117T095538.csv
2023-11-17 09:55:40,393:INFO:vtcmd:140515951391360:Warnings output to: /home/rgonzalez4/NDA/nda-tools/vtcmd/validation_results/validation_results_20231117T095538.csv
2023-11-17 09:55:40,393:INFO:vtcmd:140515951391360:
All files have finished validating.
gregmagdits commented 7 months ago

This has been fixed in the most recent release of the tools, 0.2.26