Hybrid Error Correction of Long Reads using Iterative Learning
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Corrected_LongRead.fa missing formatting ! #4

Closed jnarayan81 closed 5 years ago

jnarayan81 commented 5 years ago

I test run your sample LongReads.fa ➜ HECIL git:(master) ✗ python HECIL.py -l LongRead.fa -s ShortRead.fq -len 202 -o Out Started running alignment [samopen] SAM header is present: 55 sequences. -e Finished running alignment

Started running correction -e Finished running correction

-e Generating output file with all (corrected and uncorrected) reads

-e Finished running HECIL

I notice the outfile "Corrected_LongRead.fa" is not formatted correctly, specially first sequence is missing the fasta header (attached). Did I missed something?

Corrected_LongRead.fa.txt Out.txt

ochoudhu commented 5 years ago

Thanks for pointing this out. The inconsistency was caused by reads that spanned multiple lines. It should work now.