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HPC | New R Container #206

Closed jessb0t closed 1 year ago

jessb0t commented 1 year ago

To add: broom, viridis, irr, textstem, lme4, lmerTest, lavaan, Corrplot, La.beta, nlme, reshape2, semtools, semplot, Stanheaders, Compiler, Dbplyr, Dplyr, effects, Effectsize, Parallel, Mice, Knitr, Foreach, Interactions, Mitools, Rprime, Sjplot, Sjstats, Simsem

jessb0t commented 1 year ago

Additional packages to include: psycho, splithalfr, readr, purrr, tibble, stringr, forcats, psych, gridExtra, grid, cowplot, colorspace, colorblindr

(Yes, 'psych' and 'psycho' are two separate packages :joy:)