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agenda-data mgmt 2022-09-22 #43

Closed jessb0t closed 1 year ago

jessb0t commented 2 years ago


secure tracking of recruitment information

Data Dictionaries

social-flanker-eeg (gb): still need to integrate PR#17 + checking in on task data dico! + mini-memory-for-error task data dico (kh) memory-for-error (kh): checking in on questionnaire and main task data dicos! post-error-ddm (os) : checking in! social-context-gamma (em/ap): checking in on task data dico! oops-faces (em) : checking in!

Study Trackers

social-context-gamma (ap) memory-for-error (kh) oops-faces (em)

Study Protocols

social-flanker-eeg (gb): add data uploading, add mini-memory-for-error social-context-gamma (ap): checking in memory-for-error (kh): checking in oops-faces (em)


memory-for-error (kh)

GitHub Activities to Complete

social-context-gamma: readme/contributing, materials social-flanker-eeg: readme/contributing, materials memory-for-error: readme/contributing, materials post-error-ddm: readme/contributing oops-faces (em): materials

Study Notebooks

Record real notebook location in gDrive 'notebook' (or just use that as your notebook).

Changing GitHub Workflow

Allowing project leads to push directly to main. :white_check_mark: Preview: we may be removing obligatory dev branches from datasets and analyses.

Data Monitoring!

  1. Plan your central tracker.
  2. Build out the central tracker’s data dictionary.
  3. Add code to any preprocessing script to update the central tracker (Jess has code you can borrow!).
  4. Prepare for a rollout with Jess and Farukh, after which you should run hallMonitor and preprocess weekly.
  5. Plan to have a Data Monitoring protocol for your study that offers transparency on the study-specific details.