NDCLab / pepper-pipeline

tool | Python Easy Pre-Processing EEG Reproducible Pipeline
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Create Amazon AWS EC2 solution #23

Open georgebuzzell opened 3 years ago

georgebuzzell commented 3 years ago

set up aws account grant access to other accounts load some data on s3 launch ec2 using dockerfile connect s3 data store some data for weeks/months on local storage

georgebuzzell commented 3 years ago

Might use XSEDE instead of AWS. However, that depends on access to XSEDE vs aws for non-university users. XSEDE may have restrictions, which would not be there for AWS.

I have created an XSEDE account and requested a trial allocation for computing and storage resources. Once approved, I will test this out with my account. However, I need one or more people to create an account as well (but no need to request an allocation). Then, I can see if it is possible to delegate access to the allocation for my account and whether there are limitations for that.

@Jonhas and @DMRoberts, Would one or both of you mind creating XSEDE accounts (but don't request an allocation)? Then, we can see if I can delegate access?

Anyone welcome to test this out, btw, just thought of @Jonhas and @DMRoberts to start with.