NDCMS / lobster

A userspace workflow management tool for harnessing non-dedicated resources for high-throughput workloads.
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Default XRootD Config Doesn't Include Cache #633

Open klannon opened 6 years ago

klannon commented 6 years ago

@geoff-smith had the unfortunate but understandable experience of drawing attention to himself by overwhelming the campus network. Tracing the issue down, it turns out that the xrootd_servers option in the advanced config section defaults just to cmsxrootd.fnal.gov and doesn't include the proxy cache (ndcms.crc.nd.edu). We need to change the default to include that cache. I know this will make Lobster less portable, but this issue will recur with every new user with the current default settings.

geoff-smith commented 6 years ago

@klannon @khurtado : Just for the record, the fix you suggested on the other thread seems to have fixed the problem. The jobs are running now, and they don't seem to be using the 10GB network (I don't know how to explicitly check the 100GB network but I assume they are using that).