NDHANA94 / ros2_wheeltec_n100_imu

ROS2 driver pkg for wheeltec N100 IMU module.
7 stars 1 forks source link

Segmentation Fault - junk data #3

Closed edfang1 closed 10 months ago

edfang1 commented 10 months ago

Will get a segmentation fault if the 921600 default baud rate is used. If i change the baud rate to anything else, get a lot of junk head_type errors that just scroll. Faster if you use the IMU - so some data is flowing.

Tried replacing all the 921600 to something else like 460800, rebuilt but data still shows the same. Not sure what else to try. Followed the directions on a clean workspace build and colcon build. So obviously connecting with the correct ttyUSBX port - but just cant seem to get the proper data. Running on 22.04

[WARN] [1704763714.999857018] [imu_node]: head_type error: m [WARN] [1704763715.419389586] [imu_node]: head_type error: y [WARN] [1704763715.669497928] [imu_node]: head_type error: [WARN] [1704763715.699406065] [imu_node]: head_type error: m [WARN] [1704763715.769009148] [imu_node]: head_type error: m [WARN] [1704763715.849610289] [imu_node]: head_type error: m [WARN] [1704763715.868508425] [imu_node]: head_type error: m