Splunk Cloud customer would like to deploy cyberchef to their Cloud stack. The Splunk App vetting team was unable to get Appinspect to work on this app, most likely due to the way it was packaged up. The app inspect team is requesting that you repackage this app using the ./splunk package app command, so that it can be pushed through appinspect. If you need any assistance, please reach out to devinfo@splunk.com for help on getting this repackaged.
Splunk Cloud customer would like to deploy cyberchef to their Cloud stack. The Splunk App vetting team was unable to get Appinspect to work on this app, most likely due to the way it was packaged up. The app inspect team is requesting that you repackage this app using the ./splunk package app command, so that it can be pushed through appinspect. If you need any assistance, please reach out to devinfo@splunk.com for help on getting this repackaged.