After reaching out, got the feedback that the reason is support for new Wasm features in Rust 1.82, and that cargo-near-build has a fix ( utilizing wasm-opt ), I noticed that near-workspaces-rs does still not have a new release using the latest cargo-near-build. Will wait for a new release of near-workspaces-rs.
As soon as a new release of near-workspaces-rs is ready, it has to linked in here
I investigated Treasury dashboard web4 failing in near-workspaces-rs as we can see from the latest test runs.
Our web4 contract for treasury suddenly fails after deployment when calling the web4_get view method ( )
Custom { kind: Rpc(QueryFailure), error: ServerError(HandlerError(ContractExecutionError { vm_error: ""wasm execution failed with error: CompilationError(PrepareError(Deserialization))"", block_height: 28, block_hash: JChV9MQzjK7cJu7bMh2n5rp5ovvjrZihTh1jkiUwiuPN })) } }
There are no changes on our side, so it has to be in the dependencies or network.
It fails both in the near-workspaces-rs and on testnet.
I notice that existing web4 contracts are running fine, but when deploying a new build now then it fails.
It all worked until yesterday ( here is the latest successful test with near-workspaces-rs: )
After reaching out, got the feedback that the reason is support for new Wasm features in Rust 1.82, and that cargo-near-build has a fix ( utilizing wasm-opt ), I noticed that near-workspaces-rs does still not have a new release using the latest cargo-near-build. Will wait for a new release of near-workspaces-rs.
As soon as a new release of near-workspaces-rs is ready, it has to linked in here