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Fix getExpiration to be a one-way valve #17

Closed ryancwalsh closed 2 years ago

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

Upon image rendering, the system should check for all activity of the mainnet account since the certificate issue date.

But in the short run, since Dan hasn't had time to update designs, we could write an * and then insert a new line underneath that starts with * and then explains.

See and discussion before and after

My next challenge (which you are welcome to explore, but might feel unfamiliar and harder) is how to change getExpiration in to using Prisma. Prisma probably allows "cheating" and using raw Postresql queries. Getting that working would be a first step.

Then ideally later we'd do it in an abstract way using Prisma's style without a raw query (which would give us flexibility in case the indexer ever decides to use a DB other than Postgres).

You can see a sample Prisma query in getMostRecentActivityDateTime, which is a function that probably needs to be deleted since or at least reconceived since we now have a different definition of how we want certificates to expire.

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

I will work on this in this branch / draft PR here:

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

This successfully returns a result in pgAdmin (although I still need to think through the logic and whether the sorting of each part is correct):

 SELECT moment, diff_to_previous FROM
      SELECT *,
        ((EXTRACT(epoch FROM moment) - EXTRACT(epoch FROM lag(moment) over (ORDER BY moment))) / (60*60*24))::int 
        AS diff_to_previous
        FROM (SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP(r."included_in_block_timestamp"/1000000000) as moment
      WHERE SIGNER_ACCOUNT_ID = 'hatchet.testnet'
      AND r."included_in_block_timestamp" > 0
      ORDER BY moment DESC
      ) as relevantActivity
    ) as activityWithDiffs
  WHERE diff_to_previous > 10
  ORDER BY moment ASC 

But the query at still does not run without error.

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

Ok, after now at least getStartOfFirstLongPeriodOfInactivity successfully runs when I visit http://localhost:3000/api/cert/103216412112497cb6c193152a27c49a.png (if I temporarily set const expirationDays = 4; since in reality hatchet.testnet does not have 180 days of inactivity).

Next, we will want to scrutinize everything to make sure it all makes sense, improve comments, maybe add some tests.

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

Ok, after 735a88e now at least getStartOfFirstLongPeriodOfInactivity successfully runs when I visit http://localhost:3000/api/cert/103216412112497cb6c193152a27c49a.png (if I temporarily set const expirationDays = 4; since in reality hatchet.testnet does not have 180 days of inactivity).

Next, we will want to scrutinize everything to make sure it all makes sense, improve comments, maybe add some tests.

I worked on the logic of calculating the expiration date yesterday using the raw query we had with Prisma. I see you already handled that.

I still wanted to push my WIP code now as a draft pr to be deleted immediately after, but looks like I don't have permission to push to this repo. It still had refactoring to be done on it, because I had redundant lines, not descriptive variable naming, and a logical mistake at a point.

This is the snippet of the code I had:

It would be unnecessary to have a pr that'll be deleted anyways, but I'd appreciate if you could grant me permission for future prs. I will check how to refactor the query if I find the time today and see what I can do.

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

Continuing this from here :

It made sense at first but now I'm questioning it again.

You approved this logic to be correct:

1-  If diff_to_previous > 180 is before issue date ==> Expiration date = issue date + 6 months; 

2- If diff_to_previous > 180 is after issue date ==> Expired;
 In this case the expiration date is exactly the moment in the past, where diff_to_previous > 180 happened.

3- If no query result where diff_to_previous > 180, which means the account doesn't have a period where it hasn't been active for 180 days straight after the issue date  ==> Expiration date = last activity + 6 months

But if we only query results after the issue date, don't we lose the necessary data to distinguish between 1 and 3 above?

I tried to add this logic into fetchCertificateDetails() where the issue date is in easy reach (Please see codeshare snippet in previous comment). There's a chance I'm missing something here but I just want to make sure.

So, updating the conditions:

1-  If diff_to_previous > 180 returns result ==> Expired;
 In this case the expiration date is exactly the moment in the past, where diff_to_previous > 180 happened.

2-  If no query result where diff_to_previous > 180  ==> Expiration date = last activity + 6 months

We don't care about the issue date (except in the query obviously) to calculate the expiration date, is this correct?

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

I spent some time going through docs and first tried to figure out how to translate the lag() and compute the date difference with Prisma syntax.

I tried to create a function that would calculate diff_to_previous between dates and started off from the query we have here and listed the ones after the issue date. I referenced this: but the below code has not much in common. It just helped me understand that I should do calculations outside of the query I guess.

async function getDateDiff(accountName: string, issuedAt: string) {
  const issuedAtUnixNano = dayjs(issuedAt).unix() * 1_000_000_000;

  const rows = await prisma.receipts.findMany({
    where: {
      action_receipts: {
        signer_account_id: {
          equals: accountName,
      included_in_block_timestamp: {
        lte: issuedAtUnixNano,
    orderBy: {
      included_in_block_timestamp: 'desc',

  const activityDates = => {
    return res.included_in_block_timestamp;

  console.log('################ activityDates ################', activityDates);

This approach already proved to be a bad idea from the very start even before trying to get the time differences:

Screen Shot 2022-02-18 at 12 33 06

I'd like to explore further but considering the time constraint, this will definitely take me time (there's always hope right). This looks like something I'd learn from your solution in the end. I'm pausing here for now.

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

@eadsoy At I wrote:

 * If the account doesn't have a period where it hasn't been active for 180 days straight after the issue date: Expiration date = last activity + 180 days
 * Otherwise, if 1 or more >180-day periods of inactivity exist after issueDate, expiration = the beginning of the *first* such period + 180 days.

I think that's what we want, right? And I thought that's what you were saying in your 3 points (once you incorporated what I said about ignoring any long periods of inactivity that happened before issueDate since they would be irrelevant).

I haven't been able to think of a way to handle it in just one SQL query, which is why getExpiration is a wrapper around 2 functions, getStartOfFirstLongPeriodOfInactivity and getMostRecentActivityDateTime. I don't know whether a single SQL query would be possible.

I also don't know whether Prisma even supports abstracting away the complicated logic we're trying to do here. We might need to use the raw feature (that we're starting with). Prisma is a relatively new tool and can't handle everything people want to do.

I looked at your codeshare and it looked like it was the right direction, and I think you're thinking about this well and asking good questions. I gave you access to the repo; sorry you did't have it til now.

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

I think that's what we want, right? And I thought that's what you were saying in your 3 points (once you incorporated what I said about ignoring any long periods of inactivity that happened before issueDate since they would be irrelevant).

I understand considering any long inactivity(180 days) period before the issue date being irrelevant. I tried to draw two scenarios (the second I thought of later). These are not scaled but I hope it's still clear enough:


Scenario 1 was actually what was concerning me all along but I wasn't able to explain it properly, it wasn't clear enough for me as well. Hence the reason why I thought we need some information of activity before the issue date.

* If the account doesn't have a period where it hasn't been active for 180 days straight after the issue date: Expiration date = last activity + 180 days

So in this case I was thinking we still need to have a closer look at the pre-issue date period.

Scenario 2 contains another situation I wanted to ask you about (please see text under Scenario2.)

I guess both of these are unimportant concerns right? I'm sorry if I'm creating unnecessary confusion.

I haven't been able to think of a way to handle it in just one SQL query, which is why getExpiration is a wrapper around 2 functions, getStartOfFirstLongPeriodOfInactivity and getMostRecentActivityDateTime. I don't know whether a single SQL query would be possible.

I tried to merge both queries we have in getStartOfFirstLongPeriodOfInactivity and getMostRecentActivityDateTime this morning -->Run first query and check 180-day-inactivity, if no result run second query and check most recent activity date; but I haven't been successful yet. I will be working on it today.

I also don't know whether Prisma even supports abstracting away the complicated logic we're trying to do here. We might need to use the raw feature (that we're starting with). Prisma is a relatively new tool and can't handle everything people want to do.

It definitely can be that I'm lacking knowledge to decide correctly or maybe I gave up too early but what I understood is, in our case, it doesn't seem too promising.

I looked at your codeshare and it looked like it was the right direction, and I think you're thinking about this well and asking good questions. I gave you access to the repo; sorry you did't have it til now.

Thank you!

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

Using this approach with CTEs:, I named the first CTE query that looks for long period of inactivity long_period_of_inactivity, and the second one that returns most recent activity date most_recent_activity. If the first query doesn't return a result, the second query is executed. In the second query I selected moment as we have in the first one and included_in_block_timestamp in receipts just to match the integer data type in diff_to_previous and see if we get results. This is very long and the execution time was around 459 ms, with my testnet account. I am just adding it here as a working and one whole query.

WITH long_period_of_inactivity AS (       SELECT       moment,       diff_to_previous       FROM (             SELECT ,              / 1 day = 60sec 60min 24h = 86400 sec/                  ((EXTRACT(epoch FROM moment) - EXTRACT(epoch FROM lag(moment) over (ORDER BY moment))) / 86400)::int                  AS diff_to_previous             FROM (                   SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP(R."included_in_block_timestamp"/1000000000) as moment                   FROM PUBLIC.RECEIPTS R                        LEFT OUTER JOIN PUBLIC.ACTION_RECEIPTS AR ON R.RECEIPT_ID = AR.RECEIPT_ID             WHERE 'esinadsoy.testnet' IN (SIGNER_ACCOUNT_ID)             ORDER BY moment DESC             ) as t1       ) as t2       / Change to diff_to_previous > 180 /       WHERE (diff_to_previous > 180)       ORDER BY moment DESC       LIMIT 1       ), most_recent_activity AS (             SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP(receipt."included_in_block_timestamp"/1000000000) as moment, included_in_block_timestamp             FROM (                   SELECT                    FROM PUBLIC.receipts R                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PUBLIC.ACTION_RECEIPTS AR ON R.RECEIPT_ID = AR.RECEIPT_ID                               WHERE 'esinadsoy.testnet' IN (SIGNER_ACCOUNT_ID)             ) as receipt             WHERE NOT EXISTS (TABLE long_period_of_inactivity)             ORDER BY moment DESC             LIMIT 1       ) TABLE long_period_of_inactivity UNION ALL TABLE most_recent_activity

If I look for over 180 days of inactivity period, since it doesn't exist, it runs the second query and moment is the most recent activity date: Screen Shot 2022-02-21 at 16 39 39

If I look for over 5 days of inactivity period, since it exists, it runs the first query we already had: Screen Shot 2022-02-21 at 16 42 30

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

@eadsoy Thanks for the diagrams and explanations at

Scenario 1 probably would never happen since I think the certificate being issued (on the Issue Date) would cause activity on mainnet for that account. Even if it didn't, though, we definitely feel like someone's competencies are "fresh" as of Issue Date.

Scenario 2 is a great catch. You're right. Our approach of using the lag function to calculate the diff between each row is not a comprehensive enough check. I think for the most recent row we also need to calculate the diff between that moment and "now".

I had never heard of CTEs and am glad you found them.

I'm really appreciating your thought process, questions, and your pursuit of these new approaches (like CTEs).

If you're able to continue solving these problems on this branch that would be wonderful.

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

#18 (comment) Thank you very much @ryancwalsh, for being patient and answering all my questions without skipping a point.

Scenario 1 probably would never happen since I think the certificate being issued (on the Issue Date) would cause activity on mainnet for that account. Even if it didn't, though, we definitely feel like someone's competencies are "fresh" as of Issue Date.

Ahh I see, yes both cases make perfect sense to me. Got it.

Scenario 2 is a great catch. You're right. Our approach of using the lag function to calculate the diff between each row is not a comprehensive enough check. I think for the most recent row we also need to calculate the diff between that moment and "now".

I tried to include the render date(or now) in both queries respectively and added an additional column called diff_from_last_activity_to_render_date which shows the diff between most recent activity date and now. Having it in either of the queries worked fine but I put it in the second query where we look for the most recent activity date. This is how I approached it:

The query

When using CTE, both query results must have the same number of columns and same data types, I tried to use this to our advantage:

1- First query runs (long_period_of_inactivity):

2- If the first query doesn't return any result the second query runs ( most_recent_activity):

The number 1234567890 shows days in both query results. This equals to ~3382378 years. Keeping this in mind, I thought I can use this as some kind of 'password' to differentiate between the query results. To decide whether we're getting the most recent activity date or an inactivity period.

The Code

   * If the account doesn't have a period where it hasn't been active for 180 days straight after the issue date:
   * Days between last activity and render date is checked:
   * If this value is  >180; Certificate is expired. Expiration date = last activity + 180 days
   * If this value is <180; Certificate hasn't expired yet. Expiration date = last activity + 180 days
   * Otherwise, if >180-day period of inactivity exist after issueDate, expiration = the beginning of the *first* such period + 180 days.
  const moment = dayjs(result[0].moment);
  let expirationDate;

  if (result[0].diff_to_previous === QUERY_DEFAULT_CELL_VALUE) {
    expirationDate =
      result[0].diff_from_last_activity_to_render_date > expirationDays
        ? `Expired on ${formatDate(moment.add(expirationDays, 'days'))}`
        : formatDate(moment.add(expirationDays, 'days'));
  } else {
     * >180-day period of inactivity exists.
     * moment is the end date of such period.
     * Extract 180 from moment to get the exact days between inactivity period in days and 180
    const daysToMomentOfExpiration = result[0].diff_to_previous - 180;

     * Subtract daysToMomentOfExpiration from moment to get the specific date of expiration.
     * This subtraction equals to (start of inactivity period + 180 days)
    expirationDate = `Expired on ${formatDate(moment.subtract(daysToMomentOfExpiration, 'days'))}`;

  return expirationDate;

After the query is executed :

1- I check for the diff_to_previous value.


I'm not sure if this approach with a fixed number (1234567890) to separate between query results is a good way (although it's good to know we will be fine for 3382378 years).

I will both look for an alternative and also for ways to refactor the code.

I have pushed it, since it's working.

I had never heard of CTEs and am glad you found them.

Thank you, I've read that it is used it to make complex queries more readable and I'm happy you found it useful too.

Also, I'm enjoying this very much!

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

Screenshots from PgAdmin:

Screen Shot 2022-02-23 at 15 28 39

Screen Shot 2022-02-23 at 15 32 07

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

While working on feature/getExpiration, I switched to develop to get recent changes, switched back to feature/getExpiration and rebased my branch.

After my work was done I staged the changes, committed and pushed it but I got this message Your branch and 'origin/feature/getExpiration' have diverged... which is expected (right?) because I rebased feature/getExpiration to develop which made it ahead of the remote origin/feature/getExpiration.

So I ran git pull -rebase but I had to go through ~50 commits manually to catch up with develop.

Instead, since I had develop on my feature/getExpiration branch, I thought it's ok to force push so that origin/feature/getExpiration gets updated too.

Now when you view the files changed in feature/getExpiration, it compares it to what develop has in [imageFileName].ts I think, instead of your last commit 4d2f58d

But the commit history of feature/getExpiration looks fine to me?

I'd love to learn if this was an incorrect approach and what I should have done instead.

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

Hey @eadsoy !

Sorry for not telling you to use merge instead of rebase. I made a video for you here:

That's my fault. I hope I didn't cause you too much of a headache.

I wonder if gets you back to where you were.

If so, can you open a draft PR from that branch, and continue working in that branch?


P.S. Other T3 members might have more capacity to help now (so you could ask them) since what you're working on is now the highest priority of the remaining issues:

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

@eadsoy I haven't looked at your new commits yet, but thanks for pushing them!

One thing that would be helpful if you have time for it (and if we still think this complicated expiration feature is worthwhile) is to without code think through all the possible scenarios (which you already started to do). I.e. what various snapshots of a database (with specific data in different rows of different tables) would we need to have if we wanted to make sure that this function works as expected.

This would be a pain to do but might be worthwhile to give us confidence that our function isn't missing something.

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

Hi @ryancwalsh!

Sorry for not telling you to use merge instead of rebase. I made a video for you here:

That's my fault. I hope I didn't cause you too much of a headache.

No no, thank you very much but really, no worries. I think I should have figured it out so it's completely fine really.

And thank you for the video, I recorded a video as well to give you an update (there might be some children's voices towards the very end, I think there's a parade of kindergarteners outside, sorry 🙃 )

I removed the random number I had yesterday. I completely agree that was not a good way of approaching this.

I'd appreciate if you could have a look at the last version (f288870) and give your feedback.

eadsoy commented 2 years ago @ryancwalsh I just saw your comment, sorry.

Of course, will do.

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

@eadsoy Don't worry about "gracefully handle this case when indexer service is unavailable" for now; we'll handle that in a separate conversation.

I just watched your video. I haven't looked at the code yet or tried playing with it myself, and I still don't understand it. But I hope to dig into it later.

One thought / question I have from the video is that it my inclination was to not have the boolean isExpired in this function (i.e. not return an object) since wherever this function is being called we could just compare the returned expiration date to "now".

For some reason, that feels a bit cleaner to me (e.g. calling this function getExpiration and having it return the simple expiration and then if / when we need to compare to "now", we do it outside this function).

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

I just watched your video. I haven't looked at the code yet or tried playing with it myself, and I still don't understand it. But I hope to dig into it later.

I'm sorry, that's probably because I should've done a better job at explaining. Would you like me to take another video or write a brief walk-through?

One thought / question I have from the video is that it my inclination was to not have the boolean isExpired in this function (i.e. not return an object) since wherever this function is being called we could just compare the returned expiration date to "now".

For some reason, that feels a bit cleaner to me (e.g. calling this function getExpiration and having it return the simple expiration and then if / when we need to compare to "now", we do it outside this function).

I agree, it looks cleaner and makes more sense. I wasn't sure what we will be displaying if the certificate is expired, so I thought in case we want to show for example a red 'Expired' text + black date string or something, isExpired could be checked to add 'Expired' in front of the date while adding text to the certificate.

Let me refactor the function and return only the date. The function is called in fetchCertificateDetails; here I can check whether it's expired or not and then, should I return a text like this if it is expired? :

Screen Shot 2022-02-24 at 19 34 51
ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

@eadsoy No need for another video yet, thanks. I just haven't had time to look at the code and think about this stuff.

As for what to show in the image, I was leaning towards asking Dan to remove the "Expiring:" label and allow us to generate it dynamically (and maybe we want that same freedom with all labels). Then for expired dates, the label would say "Expired:", and for non-expired ones, we could either say "Expiration: ", "Expires:", or "Expiring:", depending on what our team thinks sounds best.

Actually, I just remembered that I've wanted to change the layout even more than that. Because I think we should create room to add an explanation about how the expiration works.

I think I'd shared some thoughts in the Discord channel a while ago that I could go back and find.

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

As for what to show in the image, I was leaning towards asking Dan to remove the "Expiring:" label and allow us to generate it dynamically (and maybe we want that same freedom with all labels). Then for expired dates, the label would say "Expired:", and for non-expired ones, we could either say "Expiration: ", "Expires:", or "Expiring:", depending on what our team thinks sounds best.

I refactored getExpiration to return only expiration. I added a comparison to current date where we call getExpiration in fetchCertificateDetails. If certificate is expired, it adds 'Expired: ' and 'Expires: ' if still valid to the beginning of expiration string (for now). See commit: 4107799

Actually, I just remembered that I've wanted to change the layout even more than that. Because I think we should create room to add an explanation about how the expiration works.

I think I'd shared some thoughts in the Discord channel a while ago that I could go back and find.


ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

@eadsoy You are working late! 😮

Thanks for those links.

Ok, hold off from working on that branch until I push the commits I'm working on. We just had some conflicts, so I'm going to revert your most recent commit and then push a couple of mine.

And I think there has been some confusion about the definition of the expiration that we'll need to figure out.

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

@eadsoy At I removed the "Expiring:" label from the SVG background files.

Then in I removed all remaining traces of the expiration concept... to see what it would be like without it (at least temporarily, in case we decide that we should go ahead and deploy to production without an expiration feature holding us back).


If we do decide to re-add an expiration, we'd start by:

  1. coming up with a clear definition
  2. figuring out an exhaustive set of test data whose various scenarios our getExpiration should be able to handle (ideally in a way that could be used in automated tests mentioned below, if we decide they're worth coding)
  3. reverting that 5f11b9f commit
  4. fixing the implementations of getRawQuery and getExpiration
  5. making sure it's efficient and performant even for users with years of activity data
  6. deciding some design mockups of how to handle
  7. and then adding that functionality to dynamically generate not just the expiration value but also its label and footnote.
  8. Then ideally we'd even have actual automated tests that prove that the function works for all of the test scenarios.

For 1, I think our definition is:

If at least one period of >180 consecutive days of inactivity after issueDate exists, expiration = the beginning of the first such period + 180 days. Otherwise, expiration = most recent activity + 180 days.

"activity" (and its opposite) are vague and need clarification.

Currently we've been assuming that "activity" = the join query below (using receipts and action_receipts), which might be fine.

SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP(R."included_in_block_timestamp"/1000000000) as moment
AND R."included_in_block_timestamp" > ${issuedAtUnixNano}

The expiration definition is more complicated than I first thought about, though; as you pointed out earlier, we still need to consider Scenario 2

If you have other stuff to work on instead, feel free. Because points 2-8 might be more work than is worthwhile for these certificates in the short run.

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

I'd really like to give this a little bit more time (and go through the steps you mentioned in before deciding to ditch the idea completely (in my humble opinion of course)

If we do decide to re-add an expiration, we'd start by:

  1. coming up with a clear definition ...

For 1, I think our definition is:

If at least one period of >180 consecutive days of inactivity after issueDate exists, expiration = the beginning of the first such period + 180 days. Otherwise, expiration = most recent activity + 180 days.

"activity" (and its opposite) are vague and need clarification.

Currently we've been assuming that "activity" = the join query below (using receipts and action_receipts), which might be fine. ...

reverting that 5f11b9f commit

What 'activity' really is could maybe become clearer after thinking about all the possible scenarios and our needs you mentioned in I gave this a good thought already but definitely it makes sense to step back and think about it without thinking of the code.

About reverting to the 5f11b9f commit in case we want to keep showing the expiration date, and the confusion about what expiration is:

I see you changed the order of the if statement we had in getExpiration (in 5f11b9f) but really it should be in the order it was before

I created some diagrams again and I just want to go through what we have (had) and what I was thinking. Because I think we're on the same page about what expiration is, but the part I mentioned above creates some difference of opinion I guess.

1. The Raw Query

I will reference the red portion as Query - 1 and the other one as Query - 2



2. The Flow



Query - 1 returned a result. It returns moment, diff_to_previous, diff_from_last_activity_to_render_date as NULL, and has_long_period_of_inactivity as TRUE. -moment is the END DATE of such period.

Untitled (10)

4. ASSUMPTION 2: Query - 1 didn't return a result

Query - 2 runs. It returns moment, diff_to_previous as NULL, diff_from_last_activity_to_render_date , and has_long_period_of_inactivity as FALSE. -moment is LAST ACTIVITY of the account.

Are we on the same page about what expiration is? Am I missing something? I really would like to make sure before going further.

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

@eadsoy Ok, you can proceed with step 2 (generating all the test rows we need). I regret not having us do this earlier. We would have been able to bypass all of this conversation because it would have been clearer and provable.

Another thing we'll need to look into is my TODO comment at

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

Today I started with thinking about

For Step 2

Am I on the right track with these resources or should I think of something else?

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

@eadsoy I hadn't thought Docker would be necessary and so was surprised when you mentioned it, but yeah I see it mentioned here so yeah maybe you need that.

I haven't heard of Synth, but if that's easier (or maybe it's necessary in addition), go for it.

Only thing is, I thought of a way to use only one query that only checks last activity but i figured this would require a background job, which you eliminated from the start so this is unimportant.

I am curious about this. Everything is a trade-off. So I always want to hear ideas that I hadn't considered before. Maybe cron jobs would be a good idea.

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

Answering the first part related to testing :

I created a branch off of develop called feature/prisma-test-setup and a draft PR to basically setup tests as a separate feature.

I followed the Prisma Integration Testing tutorial and it refers to the Unit testing setup at some points but not all of them are used in Integration testing actually. Makes it harder to follow really. Steps I followed:

Screen Shot 2022-03-01 at 15 35 56

It says that account_changes_new_id_seq doesn't exist, why wouldn't it though? I will look into this.

That's were I'm at right now.


The flow of operations in the Prisma docs is as follows which makes sense and what I'm trying to accomplish:

  1. Start the container and create the database
  2. Migrate the schema
  3. Run the tests
  4. Destroy the container Each test suite will seed the database before all the test are run. After all the tests in the suite have finished, the data from all the tables will be dropped and the connection terminated.

I'm at the point where I'm thinking to migrate from a simpler schema that represents tables we need and to integrate Synth to seed the db with data.

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

I am curious about this. Everything is a trade-off. So I always want to hear ideas that I hadn't considered before. Maybe cron jobs would be a good idea.

This is what I was thinking but we would need to save certified account names with their expiration dates, and probably a field called isExpired (set to false as default) in a db.

1. Method

This one would also require a field called nextCheck or something on the db, that shows the date of the next cron job for the account.

Pro: The cron job doesn't have to check all accounts each day, it will only go through the ones which are assigned for that day. Con: If the certificate is rendered between cron jobs, it won't show the actual last activity + 180 but whatever expiration date the most recent cron job that checked this account's activity returned.

2. Method

Pro: The expiration date is always up-to-date. Con: Cron job needs to go through all certified accounts where isExpired isn't true.

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

@eadsoy Regarding, I can't look at this today (and don't have experience with what you're doing anyway), but it seems like you're learning and making progress. Let me know tomorrow whether you get past what is blocking you there.

Regarding, in response to both Method 1 and Method 2, I have one tip. Almost always, it's best to minimize what data we save to a database. The main reason isn't to minimize storage size but instead to minimize confusion and risk of missing a step of updating something.

In Method 1, it seems to me that nextCheck field doesn't need to exist because its value would always be the same as expirationDate, right? And in Method 2, isExpired wouldn't need to be a field because the frontend would always be able to calculate whether something is expired based on comparing "now" and lastActivity (and looking at whatever diff threshold we defined).

Updating one column's value based on another column's value usually is unnecessary.

What I like about Method 1 (or a variation of it) is that our cron job (which we might set to run daily or hourly or every minute) would then via a SQL query narrow down to a subset of certified accounts that it would need to iterate over. But the drawback is that the published expiration date on the certificate images then would often get stale because in reality certain students (hopefully many) would have had activity on mainnet, and their expirations should appear as further out in the future, but the loop within the cron job wouldn't haven bothered to look at them yet and update it.

The downside of Method 2 is that we'd be keeping every non-expired certificate in the loop, and if we have tens of thousands of certificates (hopefully!) I wonder if it will 1) consume expensive resources and take a long time and 2) maybe not even be relevant most of the time because 99% of those certificates never get viewed.

So I'm still leaning away from a cron job.

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

Regarding, I can't look at this today (and don't have experience with what you're doing anyway), but it seems like you're learning and making progress. Let me know tomorrow whether you get past what is blocking you there.

I was able to set up the environment for tests. The current Prisma schema that reflects the indexer db, has multiple foreign keys on receipts and action_receipts, which makes migrating with test data to our test db very hard. I have a question at this point: This schema is all we need to test our getExpiration and getRawQuery functions right?

Screen Shot 2022-03-02 at 18 29 43

I manually changed the Prisma schema to only leave these two tables(receipts and action_receipts), without the foreign key connections and migrated it to the test db. The query seems to run successfully against the test db (getRawQuery) on an account that has just one activity (getExpiration throws an error in the tests but I haven't looked into it yet and have removed it for now) Screen Shot 2022-03-02 at 17 43 31

Tomorrow I'm hoping to come back having solved these:

  1. If I'm correct with the above logic, the next step is to find a way to migrate from a separate test schema, that only has two tables: receipts and action_receipts. I found some discussions on this and it seems possible but I need more time to be sure.
  2. I need to integrate Synth afterwards, to generate data for the test db. Right now I'm creating just two rows inside the test file.
  3. I have getRawQuery and getExpiration functions in a separate file for the tests. I should import them into the test file from their original location which is /web-app/pages/api/cert/[imageFileName].ts
eadsoy commented 2 years ago

In Method 1, it seems to me that nextCheck field doesn't need to exist because its value would always be the same as expirationDate, right? And in Method 2, isExpired wouldn't need to be a field because the frontend would always be able to calculate whether something is expired based on comparing "now" and lastActivity (and looking at whatever diff threshold we defined).

You are absolutely right. I was thinking expirationDate would have a string type, while nextCheck would have a date type but I made it too complicated. Also, you're again right, Method 2 wouldn't need an isExpired field.

What I like about Method 1 (or a variation of it) is that our cron job (which we might set to run daily or hourly or every minute) would then via a SQL query narrow down to a subset of certified accounts that it would need to iterate over. But the drawback is that the published expiration date on the certificate images then would often get stale because in reality certain students (hopefully many) would have had activity on mainnet, and their expirations should appear as further out in the future, but the loop within the cron job wouldn't haven bothered to look at them yet and update it.

Exactly. That was the con I was thinking about.

The downside of Method 2 is that we'd be keeping every non-expired certificate in the loop, and if we have tens of thousands of certificates (hopefully!) I wonder if it will 1) consume expensive resources and take a long time and 2) maybe not even be relevant most of the time because 99% of those certificates never get viewed.

Agreed completely!

So I'm still leaning away from a cron job.

Yes I completely understand why it wouldn't be as efficient. Thank you for these detailed thoughts though! I'm taking notes from your answers, this was a great brainstorm for me.

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

@eadsoy In other systems in the past, I've needed to run a command that temporarily disables all foreign key checks and then run another command to re-enable all foreign key checks. I wonder if that would be appropriate and possible here.

If so, you'd be able to use the original real schema, right? You'd just temporarily disables all foreign key checks before the insertion of the seed data and then re-enable after?

Or are there foreign keys from the main tables that we care about to other tables that we just don't care about? If so, yeah maybe we need to artificially create a similar schema but that doesn't lead us to extraneous work managing irrelevant FK relationships.

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

---I'm not working late right now ---

@eadsoy In other systems in the past, I've needed to run a command that temporarily disables all foreign key checks and then run another command to re-enable all foreign key checks. I wonder if that would be appropriate and possible here.

That's exactly what we need! I will look into this before I go and try to create another schema. Thank you.

If so, you'd be able to use the original real schema, right? You'd just temporarily disables all foreign key checks before the insertion of the seed data and then re-enable after?

Yes, exactly.

Or are there foreign keys from the main tables that we care about to other tables that we just don't care about? If so, yeah maybe we need to artificially create a similar schema but that doesn't lead us to extraneous work managing irrelevant FK relationships.

No no, we don't care about these foreign keys at all. So your suggestion looks like the solution if it's possible to implement. I will work on this tomorrow. Thanks!

eadsoy commented 2 years ago
  1. Today I first looked into how to migrate only the tables wee need to the test db I found that the @@ignore and @ignore attributes can be used to ignore fields or models:

But this didn't really work out. It didn't isolate the fields or tables while migrating to the test db. Also wherever nextval('something'::regclass) was used in the schema (e.g. dbgenerated("nextval('account_changes_new_id_seq'::regclass)")) caused errors repeatedly which I still don't understand.

I might give it another shot but instead I created a test schema and in the test script I'm referring to this schema while migrating to the test db.

This approach worked out fine.

  1. I set up Synth to generate data:
    • Using their internal fake data generator to generate different accounts(this is actually redundant I think, we'll be testing on data we know that exists on the test db right?)

Screen Shot 2022-03-03 at 19 40 47

Screen Shot 2022-03-03 at 19 40 21

  1. Then I changed the test script to seed the generated data into the test db after migration. The script works but I'm getting this error:

    1: One or more database inserts failed: error returned from database: invalid sign in external "numeric" value: invalid sign in external "numeric" value

    I have an idea why this might be happening but I need to come back with a clear mind.

  2. The getExpiration and getRawQuery functions are still copied into a separate file for the tests. To say they are copied is actually wrong as well, the line here causes problems for some reason in the getExpiration function and I just worked with a workaround that returned the correct data and tests ran successfully but this definitely needs to change.

    const result: RawQueryResult = await prisma.$queryRaw<RawQueryResult>`${rawQuery}`;
  3. I will also check this tomorrow

    const issuedAtUnixNano = dayjs(issuedAt).unix() * 1_000_000_000; // TODO: See and add a comment here and in JSDoc for functions that have a `number` argument for dates. Explain why it's safe to use floating point `number` type (if it is), or switch to a better approach and explain it.

Tomorrow I will :

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

@eadsoy Thanks for the update!

It's helpful to have random data, sure. But for certain tests (the ones I mention in step 2 of you'll also want to very intentionally come up with a plan to prove that our function can handle every relevant scenario.

As a former coworker of mine liked to say "if it's untested, it doesn't work", meaning: "Until you've written a good test for something, it officially doesn't work." We won't always want to dedicate effort to writing tests, but definitely for this case we do want to because time/calendar-based stuff is so tricky.

Forcing ourselves to write tests actually also forces us to writer cleaner, more testable functions in the first place (which is one reason I like requiring functions to be so few lines).

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

It's helpful to have random data, sure. But for certain tests (the ones I mention in step 2 of you'll also want to very intentionally come up with a plan to prove that our function can handle every relevant scenario.

To check if the query returns the expected result and whether it returns the expected expiration date, I seeded the db from the test itself. Synth has an option to use a data source but while it's relatively easy to generate a fixed username, generating data with an array of fixed numbers (for the included_in_blocktimestamp) is harder. They have an option to generate data from a data source but it didn't work out for some reason. This was not a blocker really since I was able to generate the data using another way, but I will look into this. I would like to seed the db using Synth in the end.

As a former coworker of mine liked to say "if it's untested, it doesn't work", meaning: "Until you've written a good test for something, it officially doesn't work." We won't always want to dedicate effort to writing tests, but definitely for this case we do want to because time/calendar-based stuff is so tricky.

Forcing ourselves to write tests actually also forces us to writer cleaner, more testable functions in the first place (which is one reason I like requiring functions to be so few lines).

Thank you for sharing these thoughts. I will be very happy if we have good tests we can rely on in the end of this.

I'd like to ask you a couple questions:

  1. What should the scope of these tests be like? Is it enough to test whether we're getting the correct expiration date and correct query result?
  2. I hope this is not an ambiguous question but I tried to import getExpiration and getRawQuery directly into the test file from /pages/api/cert/[imageFileName].ts (I am using the last version you refactored before removing these) but what happened is that it ran the whole file line by line. I mean it also tried to run the getNftContract for instance. At this point all information pointed to mocking these functions to isolate them but I'm not getting why I should do that in this case.

I obviously am missing something here and will have to figure this out but for now I'm keeping these functions in separate files(which I don't like), and importing them into tests from there. I have also added a query function to only retrieve the query result and I'm using it to check if the query returns the correct result.

At this moment the tests at hand are working fine but refactoring is much needed and also the above points need to be figured out.

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

Also the existing tests need to be more descriptive: Screen Shot 2022-03-04 at 20 38 37

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

@eadsoy Thanks for the update.

If we keep the getRawQuery function and it remains as simple as it currently is, I'd be fine with leaving it untested since it's super basic string replacement (as long as you remember to explore as mentioned at

getExpiration (at least as of this commit ) isn't exported yet but probably needs to be, right? I don't have much experience with writing tests for NodeJS but I'd assume the test might not have access to the function unless it's exported.

Yes, the names/descriptions/hints about the tests should reveal how you think about each scenario.

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

If we keep the getRawQuery function and it remains as simple as it currently is, I'd be fine with leaving it untested since it's super basic string replacement

I'm not testing this function actually, I had to separate it since the getExpiration function is calling it. Again, importing it from its original path didn't work.

And yes I have checking on my list, but didn't have the time today. It's one of my priorities, I am going to check this.

getExpiration isn't exported yet but probably needs to be, right? I don't have much experience with writing tests for NodeJS but I'd assume the test might not have access to the function unless it's exported.

I added export to both, and the import in the test file succeeds as well since it's suggesting the correct arguments to use but it just doesn't do what I'm expecting. I am a bit overworked right now and I'm sorry for not providing the sources I looked through to have a healthier discussion. Let me look into it again on monday and if I still face this problem, I will ask it more precisely, would that be ok?

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

@eadsoy Of course! You never need to feel pressure to respond after work hours.

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

@ryancwalsh I'm currently trying to write an explanation for:

But before doing so I wanted to make sure I understand what kind of explanation we want there. These are my findings:

  1. JavaScript's number type is a f64 in all cases, whether it being an integer or a floating-point value. I believe the logic comes from this: 'As specified by the ECMAScript standard, all arithmetic in JavaScript shall be done using double-precision floating-point arithmetic.'

So, are we seeing the alternative as using BigInt instead of number here? In that case BigInt seems to be way slower in performance compared to the number type and f64 would be already sufficient for our use case. Screen Shot 2022-03-08 at 16 40 07

  1. This is a great article I found: As mentioned in this paragraph at the end of it:

Computing with a float64 is cheap, you get sub-microsecond precision nowadays, you don’t need to pre-coordinate about milliseconds versus microseconds versus (sencond,nanosecond) pairs et cetera et cetera, as long as you’re not counting individual nanoseconds you should be great.

So it seems logical to use f64.

  1. We're getting the unix timestamp as an integer and multiply it by 1_000_000_000 to get the nanoseconds. We're not getting it as nanoseconds initially. This brings us back to the link you provided in the comment: And according to the IEE754 Standard using floating point number type again seems to be safe.

I'm not sure what exactly to write in the comment. From what angle should I approach it?

I will write the other updates I have on another comment now, thank you.

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

Additional comment: I think I contradicted myself in the previous comment, we're surpassing the MAX_SAFE_INTEGER when converting to nanoseconds. Which also is mentioned here:

So it will round to the closest double in our case right? Which makes it unsafe.

I will write my updates and come back to this. I'm sorry I got confused for a second going through all the resources.

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

@eadsoy I see that near-api-js uses bn.js:

So maybe look into that.

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

@eadsoy By the way, whenever I'm throwing stuff at you that is not clear to me how to do, that's a great sign. :-) I appreciate you figuring things out for us.

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

Changes made in

  1. I changed the column data type back to Decimal for the included_in_blocktimestamp column in web-app/prisma/test-schema.prisma as it is also Decimal in the original schema. I had changed it to BigInt previously because the test db was throwing an error while inserting data via Synth for the inluded_in_block_timestamp column. I thought I was probably doing something wrong but turns out I should have trusted my instincts and look more into the error. Lesson learned. It looks like this is a known issue with Synth. The numeric types in postgres create an error while inserting into the DB using Synth. I'm pasting a screenshot to not reference it here which I learned the hard way today: Screen Shot 2022-03-08 at 18 13 48

  2. Instead Synth, I used Prisma’s own seed method to populate the test db. Here, what was challenging to figure out at first was that we use prisma generate dev to migrate the test-db schema while running the test script for the first time and this also runs the seed file if present in the prisma directory. But after tests finish I clear out the db, and when the test script is run again, prisma migrate dev won’t run the seed file again because it only runs when it detects a new migration. That’s why I added the --skip-seed flag in the migrate:postgres script and I’m running the prisma db seed manually in the test script after the migration. It works fine right now:

  1. Regarding the issue with Synth not being able to insert Decimal data into the db, I asked about it in the issue I referred to in 1 . When I committed my changes I referred to this issue in the commit message not knowing that it will be shown like this on the issue page:

Screen Shot 2022-03-08 at 18 26 59

So I amended my commit thinking removing the link from the commit message would delete that reference and pushed again. This indeed changed the commit message and there's no link anymore but the original commit is still there detached from the commit history: . So this didn’t delete the reference in the Synth github issue. I am afraid to directly reference to any github issue now so I'l be pasting the issue link provided in a Stack Overlofw comment, here it seems that people are unhappy about this as well: is an,at 6%3A33

The solution seems to be like contacting github about it and ask for removal. I am not sure if sharing the repo there is a privacy problem for us since the repo is already public but even so this wasn’t my intention. Would you like me to contact github support?

  1. I’m thinking of removing Synth completely and only use the seed data if you don’t see any use case for random data generation, which would again fail with the current schema which has Decimal type for included_in_block_timestamp. We would need to change it back to BigInt if we want to keep using Synth.

  2. After solving the floating point number type issue for calculating timestamps, only thing left will be thinking more about other test cases if there are any. I’m thinking I’m probably missing other scenarios there. The tests are basically checking for only two scenarios and that is all.

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

@eadsoy I see that near-api-js uses bn.js:

So maybe look into that.

I will do that, thank you!

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

@eadsoy By the way, whenever I'm throwing stuff at you that is not clear to me how to do, that's a great sign. :-) I appreciate you figuring things out for us.

Thank you so much! I really am appreciating getting thrown issues at and, I am not taking it for granted:) I might get lost too deep in details and not see what’s in front of me sometimes as I just did while looking into the floating point type but I love the learning experience. Thank you for your patience.

eadsoy commented 2 years ago

Another update I forgot mentioning:

ryancwalsh commented 2 years ago

Re:,at%206%3A33 That's interesting and unfortunate that GitHub doesn't let us clean up mishaps like that. Not a big deal though.

What are the .json.bak files for?