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Shiny app dataset explorer #27

Open kimberly-bastille opened 1 year ago

kimberly-bastille commented 1 year ago

Develop a shiny app that toggles datasets on and off.

This could be a cool rollout tool for when we want to market this package to the masses.

Questions: 1) Where to store? 2) Who is developing? 3) What type of features do we want the app to include?

andybeet commented 1 year ago

I like this idea a lot, especially for our group.

  1. I wonder if this app could/should be bundled in this repo as part of the package. Then it could be launched by anyone who installs the package. I've bundles a shiny app as an R package before, so it can be done. But should this be the way forward?
  2. I'd be happy to start the development (or work with anyone else who has an interest) and get some of the mechanics sorted out. I'm just not good at making things look pretty
  3. I'd say, we'd just need something like a drop down for the data sets (or a search field), then another for the fields. Then when the user selects the app displays the field selected with a summary of the dataset properties
kimberly-bastille commented 1 year ago

I like the idea of the app living in the package and found this example which includes a function to run the app in the package (All in one delivery!). So the user would only have to run NEFSCspatial::run_app() to use the tool and explore the available datasets. I started a shiny-dev branch where we can develop the app and function.

Right now the app is just the "Old Faithful" default with a new name and is all in one script app.R but we can split that out if the code gets long.

andybeet commented 1 year ago

Exactly. I also have a repo where i walked through the steps of turning just a repo containing the code for an app into a package to deploy the app. However i like how the example you provided contained the ENTIRE app (server and ui) in the inst folder and not just the data