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Adding the scale_catch.r script #169

Closed RGamble1 closed 2 years ago

RGamble1 commented 2 years ago

@andybeet, @jcaracappa1 This script uses a csv (sep = ",") file with two columns: Group, Scalar

If the first Group is ALL, the script multiplies all catch for all groups in the supplied catch ts file by the first Scalar

Example file: Group, Scalar ALL,0.5

Otherwise each Group has its catch multiplied by the associated Scalar Example file: Group, Scalar HER,0.5 MAK,0.5 COD,1.5 POL,1.5 GOO,1.3

jcaracappa1 commented 2 years ago

Looks good to me

andybeet commented 2 years ago

@gambler1650 This wont run on my machine. You have some hard coded file paths in this script, pointing to csv files (scale_catch_1.csv and scale_catch_2.csv) in currentVersion. I dont see these files on your branch or in dev. I also dont see how they were made or what they represent.