Closed mle2718 closed 2 years ago
Sure, you can create an empty FishSETFolder in the top directory and use
folderpath <- here("FishSETFolder")
if (project_exists(project) erase_project(project)
Just make sure that folderpath
is declared before project_exists()
is run. That should prevent the window from appearing. Probably should add FishSETFolder to .gitignore if you go that route.
I'm going to do this instead:
if (project_exists(project)) {
unlink(here(folderpath,project), recursive = TRUE)
This is safe for me, but obviously breaks if the FishSET folder is not inside this project. I'll wrap an "if location==Woods_Hole" around it.
That works too. It would probably be simpler to get rid of the location
parameter altogether: it's only purpose was to allow me to import the scallop data from a folder outside the repo, but I've been placing the updated data directly into the data/main folder so isn't necessary anymore.
the loc() and locproject() functions are killing me right now.
fortunately for me, I only need to choose the FishSETFolder the first time through the loop.
@BryceMcManus-NOAA: is there a way to modify this:
to remove the manual intervention needed to select the FishSETFolder?
I'd like to run the scallop analysis, passing in different shapefiles as parameters.--- basically looping over shapefiles and it probably won't work if I have to manually intervene to select the FishSETFolder.