@mchaji : I've updated some of the data extracting code:
Remove RODBC and switch to ROracle.
Update the spacepanels data (port latitudes and previous port latitudes).
Point to DMIS_WIND_111522 instead of DMIS_TEST
tidy up the data_processing.Rmd to deal with container folders.
Can you test by:
Do this in R console:
Check out this branch s_t_r_ROracle_patch
knit the data_extracting and data_processing Rmd files.
The data extracting code take a while to run because the extraction of data using the garfo_nefsc connection is slow.
If the knitting works and you get the usual data (4 datasets in /data/intermediate) and the final_product_lease files in /data/main, please approve and merge.
@mchaji : I've updated some of the data extracting code:
Can you test by:
The data extracting code take a while to run because the extraction of data using the garfo_nefsc connection is slow.
If the knitting works and you get the usual data (4 datasets in /data/intermediate) and the final_product_lease files in /data/main, please approve and merge.