NEFSC / READ-SSB-Lee-EconomicFishCondition

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Matching fish condition to market categories #19

Open mle2718 opened 3 years ago

mle2718 commented 3 years ago

It's unclear how to best match fish condtion to market categories.

One approach:

  1. Use the CFLEN data to construct a length-frequency distribution for a market category. (A probability mass function that describes the probability of a landed fish measuring X cm, conditional on it being labeled as the m-th market category).
  2. Construct an interval based on that distribution. Like, use the 25th through 75th percentile -- and then average over that.

Another Approach:

Use the probability masses from CFLEN to weight each of the condition factors.

Laurels1 commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure which would be best. Happy to ask a couple stock assessment leads for advice on how it's done in assessments if that's helpful. A couple issues that I foresee are 1) changes over time of shifting/emerging/disappearing market categories (would either of these be done by year?) and 2) overlap (sometimes nearly total) between market categories (would either of these methods deal with this situation better?)

mle2718 commented 2 years ago
  1. I can code this to be done by year. Just a question of whether the data is too sparse.
  2. I don't think this is a big problem with assembling the data -- but it suggests that linking to the market category will not give us as much extra variation in the 'condition factor' variable as we were hoping for.

Leaning towards the 1st approach because it probably will hold up a little better any sparseness.